Chapter 9: Lily

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I'm more reassured about the strangers in the hotel now. Xander, the one that can see me (I'm going to have to get used to that), said that they weren't here to harm us. I believe him because he sounded like he meant it. There was also a little apology about his yelling friend, Jordan, in his tone. I'm going to get the kids, I can't believe myself for already trusting these strangers, but I do.

Maybe it's the way that Xander's smile made me feel. If I had a heart, it would be beating at 100 miles an hour. The color of his eyes made me want to gaze into them forever. No, I can't be thinking like this, I don't like him do I? I mean, we just met like 5 minutes ago. I shake the thoughts of Xander from my head and call for the kids. "Jake! Sally! Come over here!" I yell, they must be further back in the basement. That's where their collection of forgotten human toys is.

They come running to me, "What is it, Lily?" Sally asks me, a little curiosity and worry in her voice. "Yeah, what is it?" Jake questions after his "sister", they may as well have been related. "There are two guys upstairs that would like to meet you two. Believe it or not, one of them can see us. The reason I went up there earlier was to check them out, turns out they don't want to hurt us, just want to talk," I explain. I must have had them worried sick when I went up there with no explanation on why I was going or when I'd be back for them.

"But, Lily, we aren't supposed to talk to humans, it will bring us too much attention you said," Sally said opposingly. That is what I had taught them, this might be a struggle, but I promised that I would bring them up so Xander could see them. "This time though, Sally, theses guys are here to talk to us, they are the reason that the hotel was shut down for tonight, they did that to meet us," I try telling her, she should believe me, she always does.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked, hearing Sally's comeback must have triggered his hesitance around humans. He was never the shy one until I told him how he must not bring attention to himself. I am paying for that now. "yes, Jake, I am 100 percent sure. I was just upstairs talking to them, they seem innocent enough. If you don't like them you can go back here to the basement, okay?" I tell them, giving them some extra reassurance that the guys were harmless. "Mhmm," they both say together. So I took them upstairs slowly to meet Jordan and Xander.

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