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Pov Bill

Pinetree has been the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I want to do something for him and something special. I was also thinking about how much time we have left.

I'm in my room looking at the rose and it's slowly dying. I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and I see Pinetree. He comes in and sits next to me.

"Is there something wrong? You've been down lately." Pinetree asked me.
"N-No I'm fine, I'm just thinking about things." I said.
"The rose is beautiful." Pinetree said.
"Thank you." I said.
"You have to relax a bit, you seemed lifeless for a few days and I'm getting worried." Pinetree said.
"You don't have to worry Pinetree, I'm fine." I said.
"I know you're not." Pinetree said.

We both stood up and I looked at him with a smile.

"You can always see right threw me." Bill said.
"I can always tell."

I placed my hand on his cheek as he smiled. He placed his hand over my hand and nuzzled into my hand.

"Your the greatest." I said.
"Such a flirt." Pinetree chuckled.

I slowly leaned in and I was about to kiss him, until the door opened. Pinetree pulled away and left, it was Kill and Will. I pushed them in and closed the door.

"DUMBASSES! " I shouted.
"Sorry." Will said.
"You were close." Kill smiled.
"You two just couldn't knock." I said.
"Sorry. " Kill said.
"We really do have to knock." Will said.
"Masters? " Pacifica said in a worried turned.
"Yes." We all said.
"Can you please open the door, none of us can reach. " Candy said.
"Sorry." Will said.

We opened the door and they all just rushed in. They all looked worried.

"Someone is in the castle." Grenda said.
"What!? " We all said.
"The front door was opened and the knob broke. " Mcgucket said.
"Pinetree." I mumbled.
"Get off of me! "
"Dipper." Soos said.

We all rushed down stairs and someone with white hair was grabbing Pinetree.

"Gideon let me go! " Pinetree said.
"Come on Dipper we need to go." I said.
"Dipper." Candy and Grenda said.
"Your sister was right." He said.
"let go of him. " I said.
"These are the demons." He said.
"Your hurting me and let me go, I don't want to go back." Pinetree said.
"let him go or well make you. " Kill smiled.
"Dipper come on." Gideon said.

None of us wanted to hurt the guy because we didn't really know him.

"Please let go of him before we make you." Will said.
"Stop fighting." Gideon said.
"No! I'm not going and there something else you want as well. I'm not going to be with you. " Pinetree said punching him across his face.

Pinetree eyes widen as he realized what he did. I guess he's never really hit anyone before.

"I'm so sorry Gideon." Pinetree said.
"You little-"

No one noticed that I was losing my patience slowly. When he raised his first I ran up to him and blocked the punch. I ended up getting punched in the face but I didn't mind.

"That was a big mistake." I said.
"You'll pay for this." He said.

I snapped my fingers and he was gone. Pinetree hugged me and looked at my face.

"Bill I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Pinetree said.
"I'm fine, but who was that guy?"

Pinetree let's go of me and looks at everyone.

"That was Gideon Gleeful, he's sort of the town hero. He's rude and thinks that he can get everything he wants. The only reason I think he came back was to show how worthy he was for my love." Pinetree seemed way to angry at the end.
"I swear theirs something wrong with that little town. " Kill said.
"There is, trust me. " Pinetree said.
"I wonder where he found this castle."  Mcgucket said.
"well, he's not going to bother use anymore. " I said.

Everyone had left, but pine tree. I walk up to him and I could tell he feels somewhat guilty. I look at him and he hugs me again and then pulls away.

"I'm sorry. "He mumbled.
"It's okay, but at the end of what you were saying. " I said.
" Before I came here he asked for my hand in marriage, I didn't accept it and he was mad. " Pinetree said.
"It's alright, you shouldn't be forced into something that you don't want." I said.
"You seem very happy about that. " Pinetree said.
"Umm.... " I somewhat blushed.
"Your adorable." He chuckled.

That made my heart melt. I was a bit embarrassed at the same time because I was blushing, I've never turn this red before. I just hope that he doesn't come again.

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