He's quite shy

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Pov Dipper.

I woke up to bright light from the window shining in my eyes. I let my eyes adjusted to the bright light for a bit. I stood up and looked around the room before I noticed something. I see neatly folded clothes and a small note.

At first I hesitated to reach for the note, but then I slowly grabbed it. I opened it and smile slightly smile.

" I brought some clothes for you, you shouldn't wear the same thing twice. From, Bill. "
"His penmentship it's just amazing." I chuckled to myself.

I couldn't stop smiling for some odd reason. I placed the note down and got ready for the day. I cleaned the room that I was staying in and looked at the door. I didn't want to leave this room, but I was a bit bored and didn't want to stay here forever.

I walked slowly don't he hall and noticed how beautiful this place was. Under all this dust and darkness it can be bright and beautiful. I went down the stairs and looked around for a while. I found all three boys in the kitchen. I didn't fully step in the kitchen. I didn't show my whole body, it was partly my head and shoulder. My eyes meant one of theirs and I iddmenitly pulled my head back and went to the other room.

Yesterday I had no problem talking but know my shy side is getting the best of me. Well, I was always shy back at home but I knew everyone their so the shyness stopped. I'm in a new area and I'm with new people, it's a bit hard to be myself.

I'm fine with everyone else like Pacifica, Candy, Grenda, Soos and Mcgucket but with the rest of them I'm a whole new person. That's another odd thing about me, I can be so brave one moment and the other minute I'm the shyest person you know.

I placed my back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling.

"Why am I shy now?" I stuttered.
"My brother said you talkive." I heard him say.
"G-Good Morning." I stuttered.
"I guess he was wrong, your just as shy as him."
"I-I" I couldn't speak it's just all to new for me.
"Probably even shyer than my brother." A small smile was on his face.
"I wanted to say thank you for the extra clothes." I said.
"No problem." He said.
"Goodbye." I said.

I was walking away while I hear a nickname.

"Yes." I turned around and smiled.

I then ran away back to my room. I can't even leave my room for a minute without coming back. I have to get over my shyness.

Pov Bill

He ran off as I regret saying his name to myself. I don't know what was this feeling that I had, but it feels weird. I walk back to the kitchen and hear talking.

I walked away from the kitchen and sit down in the living room. My mind was fluttering with thoughts, they weren't pleasant. I'm already eighteen, I mean a few more months and then I'm doomed. My brothers didn't deserve this, I did. The rose!

I ran upstairs because a bitter feeling climbed into my chest while I was thinking. I race to the room I kept the rose and looked at it. The petals are turning dull and falling off. The time is speeding up, we're doomed.

Pov William

Bill left for quite sometime now and I'm getting worried. I mean he doesn't walk off for some reason, well only when he's mad. I'm sure he isn't mad at us because we did nothing to upset him.

"Kill, what happened to Bill? I mean he just left without telling us." I said.
"It's nothing Will, he's probably over thinking again. " Kill said.
"Well, don't we think we should check on him, to see if he's alright? " I said.
"Will you over think too much, just relax." Kill said.
"Okay. " I mumbled.
"Hey, where that kid? He hasn't come out of his room." Kill said.
"I don't know, I've meant him once." I said.
"Just because you asked him a question doesn't mean you've meant him." Kill said.
"Well I've at least talked to him. " I said.
"I have." Kill said.
"I'm not arguing about this. " I said.
"We will at some point." Kill said.
"You an idiot."
"Hey! " Kill said.
"Master? " We hear Soos and Mcgucket say.
"Yes?" Kill and I said.
"Should we check on the young man?" Soos asked.
"You can, you don't have to ask. " I smiled.

Pov Candy

"So can we check up on him? " I whispered as Soos and Mcgucket come out of the kitchen.
"He said we didn't have to ask, so I guess yes." Mcgucket said.
"Let's go! " Grenda said.
"Where's Pacifica?" I asked.
"She coming, she said she'll be meeting us up their." Grenda said.
"Let's go then." I smiled.

We all rushed upstairs, well it took us a while because we don't have legs. It's hard to do things with out legs or arms but we try. Finally we got up the stairs and went over to his room. The door was slightly opened and we walked in.

"Y-Yes." He softly stuttered.
"How come we haven't seen him downstairs?" I asked.
"I-I did go downstairs just for a bit, I wanted to-" He stopped talking and hide his face.
"Is there something wrong? " Grenda asked.
"I-I'm just a little shy today." Dipper said.
"You don't seem like the shy type." Soos said.
"Ever since I came here I've gotten more shy than usual. I kind of don't mind it but it's hard to speak with out stuttering." Dipper said.
"When did you come downstairs? " Mcgucket asked.
"I wanted to walk around a bit, then a wave of shyness came and I went back up stairs." Dipper said.
"Candy and Grenda can I talk to you?" I heard Pacifica's voice.
"Coming. " Grenda said.
"We'll be right back, talk to these two." I said.

We stepped out of the room and saw Pacifica smiling at herself. We both gave her an odd look and sighed.

"Is their something wrong?" I asked.
"What do you think about Dipper? " She asked.
"Dipper is an interesting young man really, he has a female touch to him. Well, I feel the female touch but I don't know if he has it. He's shy and it's adorable." Grenda said.
"Dipper is unique and it's good, he's not like someone I've ever meant really. Dipper is shy but he's a polite person and probably smart as well. Why are you asking us this question?" I asked.
"Just wondering what you think of him." Pacifica asked.
"I feel like its more than that. " I said.
"It's not and did he ask any questions about this castle? " Pacifica asked.
"No. " Grenda smiled.
"Okay, then let's make him feel more at home." Pacifica said.

Third Person

Pacifica, Candy and Grenda finally entered the room. They kept on talking about Dipper and the history behind this place, but the curse part.

Dipper wasn't really paying attention to the conversation. He had more things on his mind like, how did they become demons? Dipper didn't want to ask because it was rude.

Will, Kill and Bill were talking about random things. They were talking about Dipper at one point as well. Bill was completely ignoring the whole conversation and just nodding the whole time.

Will knew that he wasn't paying attention, but Kill didn't know. The fear inside Bill was happening over and over again, will the curse ever be revsered? Bill thought. Of course not, no one will love a demon, Bill thought.

Who needs love, right?

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