eighteen - it

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Tonight was the big dance at Harry Herpson High and I was semi-pumped, mostly because Connor had asked me in the sweetest way possible: he performed a half-assed proposal at my doorstep with a bouquet of daisies. Of course I said yes.

I picked out the most gorgeous sequin spaghetti strapped dress that matched my silver pumps and the white pinup in my strawberry blonde hair. My lips popped a scarlet red and my hoop earrings weren't too big. I kissed Mom and Dad goodbye before heading out to greet Connor in his car, parked by the curb.

We got to the school just in time. I was welcomed by an overly dressed Jessica and a group of Connor's friends, so it took my all to have to shimmy between the hoard of teens pumping to the beat of the music in the middle of the gym. Then I saw Summer, and I realized I dressed fully formally rather than semi-formally.

Summer flashed me the thumbs up, signalling that the deed had been done. I nodded at her, but just before I could even open my mouth to greet her, I felt the force of two gorilla paws pull me back by the waist into a hug.

"Connor!" I squealed. "Babe," I sighed, inhaling deeply as he stuck his nose in the crook of my neck. "Did I ever tell you how sexy you smell? Do yo-you think this is the night we should... y'know..."

"How is it that we showed up here five seconds ago and somehow you're already drunk?" I pushed Connor off of me because he was making a scene. "Did the alcohol from the punch bowl somehow diffuse from the air and into your system?"

He didn't listen to me, still desperately trying to cop a feel, so I had no other choice but to slap him across the face. Or at least I had planned to. Before Tiny Rick stepped in from out of legit nowhere.

"You wanna maybe fuck off, dipshit?" Connor slurred a scoff and a laugh, a booming laugh that had caused to attract the attention of every living soul in the gymnasium. Even the DJ, who had turned down the music way low only to make Connor and Rick stand out from everyone else.

"Rick, stop it." I practically screamed at him. "No can do, sweetheart." He mumbled to me under his breath before taking a step forward, keeping me behind him with his arm outstretched.

"Touch my girl like that again and I'll shove my foot so far down your throat, you'll be shitting shoelaces for a year." That got the whole gym up in a booming roar, which is overhyped for such a pitiful bluff. Tiny Rick didn't even have to do anything after that! A couple of big guys from the football team just lugged Connor away and tossed his drunk ass out into the field.

Tiny Rick took me by the hand and lead me towards the dance floor. I yanked backwards, nearly toppling over in my high heels. "The fuck was that? Why the hell would you do something like that to me, Rick!?"

"He was an asshole. You know you deserve better."

"Like what? You!?" I sneered, lifting up the hem of my dress and abandoning Tiny Rick on the dance floor as I ran to find Summer. It took me forever to find her but when I did, she was on the verge of tears as Rick cursed her and made the whole school turn on her.
"Summer Smith is a fucking psycho nerd and she just got me kicked out of school!"

Shit. Our plan had backfired.


I refused to see Rick again for rest of the night. So when Summer and Morty changed him back, I didn't know until the next morning.

But that night, I dreamt the sweetest of dreams. My favourite kind.

Cuddled up in my soft bed sheets as a cool, gentle breeze blew through the teeth of my window as I lulled myself off to sleep in practically no time. As soon as I felt my eyelids grew heavy, so heavy I decided not to resist and let them fall, I felt my eyes pop open.

No longer was I in my bedroom.

"Winnie? Baby, what are you doing in here?"

I dropped the stubby piece of chalk in the tray below the green chalkboard propped up against the farthest wall in my garage. I turned, jumped up off of my heel and into the arms of my beloved.

He chuckled, spinning me around twice before setting me back down on my feet. Mickey looked down at me and I looked up at him. He leaned in to rest his forehead against mine as he intertwined his fingers with mine. "I wanted to take you out. Get my baby out of this dusty old garage for once."

"But darling, you know I can't." I left his embrace to return to the chalkboard and continue to scribble down nonsense. "I'm so close to finally finishing my prototype."

I heard Mickey sigh. "Sweetheart, I know this is your pride and joy but you gotta take a break some time. What time did you go to bed last night?"

"Uhhh... four..?" Mickey folded his arms across his chest and tapped his foot on the floor of the garage, "Don't lie to me."

I shrugged. "Okay, so I haven't slept yet—" Mickey groaned. "Bu-but, I'm soo close to finishing up. I promise, pumpkin, just a half an hour later."

Suddenly, I noticed my outfit has changed and the colour of the sky outside is a deep orange as if the day was coming to an end. I see Mickey walking up the driveway with a bouquet of posies in hand and a hopeful look on his face.

But that soon turned into disappointment when he saw me. He stopped at the entrance, dropping the bouquet and turning to leave. I tried to chase after him but I was glued to the floor.

I heard him whisper in the back of my head, although I watched as he walked down the driveway,

"You could've saved him."

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