one - another day

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I've been sitting in class for the last hour and a half, thinking, 'I don't belong here in this world' while friends around me talk about the upcoming project for that class.

My best friend Jessica is taking first year mathematics right now.
For the fourth time now.
She may just be an idiot, but I could never tell her that. Even though I really should, I won't.

She's so possibly stupid that she can't even see that freshman drooling over her. It's been months now and I'm the only one in the group to have noticed.

Whatever-his-name-is is freaking me out now, 'cause sometimes he'll just sit in the back of class, groping and kissing the air all whilst mumbling Jessica's name over and over again.

Although I'm creeped out by him, I feel so bad for the kid.

Sometimes, I just want Jessica to open her eyes and set this guy straight. Tell him that he's got an unhealthy obsession and that he should seek professional help.

But... knowing Jessica, as you've seen, she'll never do it.

Yes, I know you exist.

But that's besides the point right now.

The bell's rung. I gotta go. If I have time, we'll talk later...

"How was math, Jess?" I ask Jessica nonchalantly as we leave first period, her class sitting across from mine. "Fun. Just finished a test actually, a lot of tough questions. Hey, what's four times five?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm genuinely surprised they haven't put you in 'locally developed' yet."

Jessica just giggles that fake giggle that she thinks makes her sound cute. "You are so funny, Gwendolyn. I--"

I stop tuning in to what Jessica had to say to turn all of my attention onto a guy passing by in the hall.

Oh my God, it's the guy. That freshman who's crazy about Jessica. Yellow Shirt is what I'm gonna call him from now on, because why not.

I seriously don't know why I care so much about this kid's feelings but I'd rather put him down gently myself than to have him keep chasing Jessica's tail, which by the way belongs to Brad. That dickpipe.

"Guys, I--I'll meet you up with you guys in Chem. I've gotta go get something from my locker."

Following Yellow Shirt down the hall, I try my absolute best to stay inconspicuous. He didn't pay any mind to me, that is until...

"Hey dollface." Two hands pull me back by my hips. I groan mentally. "Hey Connor. Wanna let me go? I've got a class to get to."

"You and I both know that's not where you were headin' off to, sweetheart." his annoyingly forced hunky voice ringing in my ear.

"Not. Now." I push myself off him, only afterwards realizing that I've lost him.



"Hi darling, how's my little doctor-in-training?" Dad greeted me from the kitchen, cooking something that smelt heavenly.

"Who says tha--? Ugh, yeah Dad, I'm fine. School was fine. Everything's fine with me." I mumble as I sleepily drag myself upstairs and into the hallway. Making a left, all the way down at the very last door lay our Calico cat.

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