four - have we met?

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School again? God, how is it still Monday? Well, at least I know Chem class will cheer up, even slightly.

Dragging my feet lazily into the room, I plop carelessly into my seat, seriously not concerned if the teacher gives me a glare. Although Mr Murphy and I are pretty chill, he can turn into a dick within the snap of a finger if you slack off in his class.

I leaned all of my weight on the only arm supporting me up, giving the illusion that I appeared somewhat awake. From what I could make out, I guess we were giving oral presentations about the chemical compounds we chose to write a paragraph on.

I chose CHCl3, which is chloroform.

I chose C6H12O6, which is glucose for you guys reading this at home, and I know for a fact I bullshitted that paragraph. God, I regret staying up late last night, that whole Meeseeks talk kept me up thinking.

Mere seconds away from collapsing on my desktop and fall into a deep sleep, another student comes to the front of the class. A cutie, now that I really look at him.

I perk up a bit in my seat, twirling a lock of my strawberry blonde hair, batting my eyelashes ever so subtly to get his attention.

To my success, it works. Every now a and then, he would look up from his paper to look my way and blush before looking back down and repeating the process. Not even half way through, he begins to mess up from being so flustered.

"The, uh, compound CHI3 is an or-organic compound that is a colourless, dense, sweet-smelling liquid commonly assoc--"

"That's CHCI3, moron."

This startles the poor guy, clearing his throat awkwardly before trying to recover from the interruption.

We all caught on to his mistake, but it was just that one guy who wanted to embarrass him.


"That's trichloromethane you're describing, but earlier you said CHI3. That's the compound to Iodoform." the heckler laughed.

Umm... Murphy? Are you asleep too? Step in, do something!

"I--I...uh..." the presenter searches through his paragraph frantically. "I, um, don't know wha--"

"Chloroform, dumbass." This got the whole class in an uproar of laughter, finally knocking Mr Murphy out of his coma. "Enough, enough. Mr Gomez, take a seat."

His gaze met mine as he passed me down the aisle. A slight blush was as clear as day on his cheeks, still the embarrassment lingered in his stare.

I... I think I'm attracted to this guy.

After class, I had to worry about conversing with that Tammy bitch again. Might as well get it over with now and pretend like I care, like I do with Jess. Digging around through the dark and dirty abyss, I set down my books and grab my wallet for lunch. It's just after I close my locker door I notice cutie patootie from Chemistry class.

He's looking for something in his locker. Now he's found it, I think? Oh, nope. Now he's softly banging his head against his neighbour's locker. Now he's muttering to himself--- ok, maybe I should step in.

In a soft tone, I greet him with, "Hi."

"I--oh, h-hi." Quite the stutter you've got there, buddy. It's cute.

"I liked your presentation." I blush.

"... o-oh yeah? I--I--heh heh, thanks." He bashfully smiles, staring down to his shoes as he scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm Mickey."

"Gwen." I bat my eyelashes again. "So how come I have never seen you in class before?"

Freddie shrugs, leaning his shoulder on the lockers. "I guess it's 'cause I sit all the way in the back of the class and I prefer not to really--ahem--get involved in class."

I nod, tucking back some hair over my shoulder. I now only notice just how physically close I am to him, he was practically breathing on me. N-not that I didn't like it or that I was complaining or anything, I just hoped he was cool with it.

"So, Gwen, I've kinda been wanting to ask you for a while now. Umm... do you wanna maybe, I don't know, uhh... go out with me? I mean, heh, but not like a date, y'know, er-- unless you want it to be. I-I just wan-- ugh..." I raise an eyebrow at him, interested in where this was going. "Do you wanna work on the science homework together maybe?"

"I'd love to. Does Friday at my place at seven sound good?"

"Yeah, ok!" He smiles widely, tousling his blond hair nervously. "Friday at seven. I'll be there."

"But... won't Connor be mad at you?"

"Huh?" How did you know about--?

I wake up startled when I hear Rick scream, "Wubba lubba dub dub!" from across the street.

In cold sweat, my eyes dart around my bedroom, still startled from what I had experienced. So... none of it really happened? Is there really a Mickey in my Chemistry class? Does Mickey even exist?

I glance over at my analog clock, reading 11:56 pm. Bookmarking the page I was on in, I set everything aside to get up out of bed and stretch all the sleep out of me. Skipping down the steps, I get quick glimpse of Mom and Dad cuddled up together watching some romantic comedy on TV in the living room.

Thankfully, I hadn't caught their attention as I snuck out the front door to head over to the Smiths.

Entering the trashed living room, I see Mr and Mrs Smith, Summer and Morty all cleaning up after the Meeseeks' mess, all but Rick who sat about watching the rom-com Mom and Dad were watching.

Morty looks over at me as I begin to pick up shattered framed photographs and vases. He opens his mouth, but I interrupt, "I don't wanna know what happened. Just... now's not the time."

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