six - rick potion no. 9

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"I really didn't want to talk to him, Summer. He made it sound as if I were the unfaithful one, and pretty much confirmed my suspicions when one of his side girls came around to steal a dance from Connor."

Summer shook her head in disbelief. "Holy shit, I'm sorry that had to happen to you, Gwen. You're way too good for Connor Bishop and he knows that."

A few hours after the flu season dance, Morty and I returned to his house, where I decided to stay for a sleepover with Summer. We did all the things every teen girl does at a sleepover: Summer and I had a pillow fight, we braided each other's hair over and over again, we baked brownies, popped popcorn and watched horror movies on end.

We were busy talking about guys and reading teen magazines when my boyfriend came into the conversation. I really wanted to tell Summer about the boy in my dream but I feared she'd think I was mental for obsessing over someone I saw in a dream. As Summer goes on about Ethan, she's interrupted.

"ACHOOO!" we hear in the next room.

"Oh Christ, Morty's got the flu." I laugh alongside Summer. "What time is it? I swear we're so loud." She giggles. I open my cellphone to see the time, "It's two in the morning."

"Oh my God... are you sleepy yet?"
I shrug. "Are you?"
Summer shakes her head.
"Wanna watch Camp Bloodbath IV again?"

Before Summer could reply, we both turn our attention to the bedroom door which we hear squeak open. Standing in the doorway was her grandfather, still in his usual getup: lab coat and all.

He didn't really say anything. He just stared at me for what felt like an eternity. "Umm... yes, Grandpa?" Summer interludes, trying to shake off the uncomfortable silence.

Rick wouldn't take his eyes off of me, he replied in a monotone voice, "Time for bed" before shutting off the lights and shutting the door behind him.

I nervously chuckled the feeling that still lingered off of me. "Weirdo."

"Whatever, I guess. I don't wanna get up to go turn the lights back up so I think I'm gonna get some sleep." Summer says, tucking herself into the green sleeping bag beside me.

I wished Summer goodnight before slipping into the pink sleeping bag and falling asleep in no time.

That night, I saw him again.

I remember waking up in my bedroom, except it wasn't quite my bedroom. My bedsheets weren't a light purple but rather black with sunflowers on it. The size of bed was a bit different too. Instead it being a twin-sized daybed, it was now a double.

Stepping out of bed, I looked myself in the eye through my vanity. I still had on what I wore from the sleepover: a baggy blue sweater that hung off my shoulders, revealing the strap of my teal bralette, white pom pom pajama shorts, and fuzzy mint green socks.

"Gwendolyn! Dinner!" calls out Mom from downstairs. Excitedly, I leave my room and make my way down the hall as the smell of mashed potatoes and meatloaf fill the air.

Why do I know what that smells like?

Mom's never made that before.

I stop at the top of the stairs, leaning over the banister where I spot someone through the opaque glass knocking on the front door. I wanted to head down to go open it but the dream had me glued in place.

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