five - morty potion no. 9

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I think I need a huge break from Jessica. I... I just can't take it anymore. You know, you can only be a fake friend for so long, it's just tiring work pretending to like her.

So for now I think I'm gonna get to know my neighbour a bit more.

Summer and I were in the living room, painting each other's nails, when we were gossiping about school. "Did you hear about the--- well, I mean, of course you did. It's all anyone ever talks about for these past few days." I shrugged, twisting the cap of the white nail polish shut. "Finished. Don't walk around for a bit, let them dry, 'kay?"

"Are you gonna go to that?" Summer asked, fanning her feet with a fashion magazine. "No, dances aren't really my thing." I admitted to Summer as she took my left hand first to paint. "Are you gonna go to that?"

Summer shook her head. "Screw that, I'm for sure gonna get sick if I go... and you will too. As matter of fact, 80% of the people going have the flu."

"Damn. Look at you, with your unknown source of statistics." I chuckled.

Summer laughed, playfully rolling her eyes at me, before putting the bottle down on the coffeetable. In awe, I admire my newly painted nails with a fresh coat of peach nail polish after thanking Summer.

"He-hey Gwen, h-h-h-how are you?"

Morty stumbles into the living room, looking awfully flushed and redder than a rare sirloin steak.

"I'm alright. How are you, Morty?" I grin, blowing on my nails as we converse. "I-I'm great, th-thanks. Umm Gwen? I was wondering..." I raise an eyebrow at him. "You're asking me to the flu season dance, aren't you?" Morty bashfully nods, caressing his arm as he stares down at his feet nervously darting his gaze up at me to see my reaction.

"Uhhh..." Morty's my friend, I get that, but I don't know if I'd wanna be his date to the dance. Especially the annual flu season dance. "As a friend you mean?" Morty shakes his head, "W-well, I was maybe hoping to t-take you as m-m-my date, sooo..."

You know what? Just this once, I think I might as well. Although he is a sad and semipathetic little dude, "Yeah, sure, I guess I could be your date." Morty smiles a smile bigger than I've ever seen him produce before, it made me feel like a Good Samaritan.

"Oh, ok, th-that's great news. Heh, well, I-I'm gonna go get ready." Morty awkwardly waves before quickly exiting the room and up the steps. Summer turns to me, "Oh, tough luck, Gwen. Don't get sick."

"I'll try not to."


Running my nails underneath ice cold water in the bathroom was said to help dry my nails faster, so there I was, hands underneath the powder room faucet, when I hear Rick say,

"Whoever you smear this stuff on will fall in love with you, and only you, forever. Are you happy now, Morty?"

"Heck yea! Thank you, Grandpa Rick."

Through a peek in the door, I see that I'm right across from the garage door. There, I see Rick and Morty talking. I didn't want to make it look like I was eavesdropping so thinking nothing of it, I crept out into the hallway and carefully speed walked out to the living room.

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