The Overrated Tag Tingy

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Let's just do it for fun.
(Though I hate the questions. They're so stupid)

 They're so stupid)

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1. Do you like someone?

Yeah. To know who that person is, go look at a mirror and you'll see the person i like looking right at you.

2. Do they like me?

If someone didn't like me, why would they be here in the first place?

3. Middle Name?


4. Single or Taken?

This young potato is taken.

5. Last person I texted?

Technically, it was Blackie. I haven't been on my phone for a while. Netflix had my attention as of right now.

6. Last Song I listened to?

The Cab : Lovesick Fool

7. Battery percentage.

60% Charging

8. Best Girl Friend?

If you're a girl, you.

9. Best Guy Friend?

If you're a guy, you.

10. Favourite OTP?

Still Sansby.

11. Why I made my account?

I made it somewhere around the Christmas of 2016. I had gotten my Christmas present, my phone, a few days early. I really don't know, but I think it was so that I could read more UnderTale fanfictions?? I was really deep in the Fandom around that time.

12. Current lock screen?

 Current lock screen?

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13. Birthday.

October 7th

I'm done. Do this tag if you wanna.

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