*has nothing else to do*

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Well I do in fact have other things to do. However, I am limited to do them.

Anyway, I decided to make some tags I keep getting tagged on from Instagram.

Anyway, I decided to make some tags I keep getting tagged on from Instagram

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1. Nickname only family calls me:


2. Weird habit:

When I'm alone, I tend to roll myself into a burrito made of blankets for fun.

3. Weird phobias?

Going up the stairs when the whole 1st floor is pitch dark.

4. Song I secretly love?

5. Pet peeves?

I absolutely hate hypocrisy.

6. Nervous habit?

Idk. Indecisiveness??

7. Side of bed I sleep on?


8. First stuffed animal specie and name.

I had a Mickey and Minnie Mouse stuffed animal

9. Starbucks?

I've never went there

10. Which way to I face in the shower?

I face the wall, away from the shower.

11. Any weird body skills?

I can breath.

12. Favorite comfort food that is bad for you?

I don't really have a specific comfort food.

13. Phrase/exclamation I always say.

*weird incoherent sounds*

14. What do I wear to sleep?

I usually wear shorts and my hoodie.

15. Something I wore back then that I thought was cool but now I realize it isn't.

I used to wear like 20 hair bands around my wrist to look cool. I thought I looked badass but I looked like an ugly motherfucker.

I tag you.

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