Redraw #1 (One Year Improvement)

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★ Before I start the chapter, I wanted to thank every single one of y'all. The amount of support I've received by y'all left me in tears. I had no idea I was that appreciated. I want to get better. I want to make art for the world and I want to share a message of love to everyone. I wanna be a better person for the people I care about, and that includes you, dear reader. Looking at stuff from a different angle has helped me find reasons why I have to live and get better. I want to find love, I want to change the world around me somehow, and I want people to have a good memory about me. If I die, I don't want people to remember a girl who had depression and felt worthless; I want people to remember a girl who helped them find who they are, and showed them that the world can be beautiful. That's why, from now on, no more crying. I feel stronger than ever and I'm not about to throw it away by thinking of the past and letting my problems get to me. Yes, maybe in a future i'll be feeling a little down, but just because of that it doesn't mean I will give up. No, on the contrary. I will use all those negative events to push myself to become even better and be even stronger to help others. For the first time in a while, I feel an immense hope. I feel love towards all of y'all, and I wanna do all of this for me, and for everyone who has ever stood at my side. I will get better, I know that. That moment is very soon to come, I know it. I have, MOTIVATION. ★

Hey guys, gals, nonbinary, and everyone in between! :D

I'm back and I have brought some art to show my improvement. This is literally almost exactly one year. (There's only a few more days until it can become an exact year.)

Those of you who have kept up with my stuff for over a year, remember that 30 Day Challenge I did on August of 2017?

Well, I was reading over it cuz I was bored and I just died of cringe with the first chapter. I mean, it was not so bad. But it was terrible still.

On the first day of the challenge I had to draw a chibi version of myself and here is what I drew that day:

On the first day of the challenge I had to draw a chibi version of myself and here is what I drew that day:

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D I S G U S T I N G!

Just look at that anatomy. XD

Oooh boy, what was my 13 year old self thinking...

Anyway, I made a redraw cuz I just couldn't leave it like that. I didn't even look like that when I did that drawing. My hair was shorter and my hoodie was a different shade of blue.

Here's the new version:

Here's the new version:

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Ahhh much better. I've gotten much better at poses hahaha.

Also, I decided to add a bit more of a unique shading. I used sort of a geometrical type of shading. It doesn't look so bad, I actually like it.

Anyway, the improvement is noticeable in my opinion.

I'm proud of myself. I'm probably gonna make more redraws of my old art.


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