Read This.

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Guys. Don't harass this person.

I know what they did was wrong, and what I did was wrong, but! I forgive them considering the fact this person seems to know me since before they made their account.

Hear me out Snapping Crabs, if you don't like me, fine. I can't make you like me.

Let's just make a truce to not talk to each other and then we're good! But for it to work, I need you to tell me who you are, so that I fully give you your space.

I promise you that I won't tell anyone your identity, and I am deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart of whatever I did to you in the past.

I take full responsibility of my actions, and I forgive you.

Here's two options/proposals I have for you,

A- We simply don't talk to each other and head our own separate way.


B- We can start over and get to know each other more. The correct way.

Once again, I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you.

Have a nice day/night! Love ya!

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