Episode 10E

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"But God was very unmerciful."

Fuck, how long is he going to go on for? You thought to yourself angrily. And why is Akira just sitting there with that poor girl's head? The smell is just rancid... She' gone, doesn't he know that? And here I am, with his baby. Why won't he look at me? Why won't he talk to me?

"I guess God hates me."

You rolled your eyes, knowing you were safely out of Satan's line of sight. Obviously God hates you. You're evil.

"God found out that the demons were revived and he began to attack again. He didn't kill humans, but aimed to destroy only us. Akira, humans will perish."

Most of them did anyway. Not once did I see a human on the way here. You thought to yourself with a tinge of sadness.

"You must live with us."

Finally, Akira spoke again.

"You want me to be a demon?"

"You are a demon, not a human." Satan's expression never changed. He thought he was winning. He felt like Akira was going to say yes.

"I'm a human!" He screamed back in defiance, "You made my body into a demon, just like you did with YN."

"It is the strongest vessel."

"Our family, our friends and the person that I loved... We lost everyone."

Your heart cracked in half as you realized what he had said. Akira didn't love you. He could never have loved you like he loved Miki. You were important to him, yes, but you were not a human. You were not his human.

"All because of demons." Akira still refused to look up. Your name finally left his mouth, but only to make a point.

"Akira. Let's live in the new world together. All three of us and your unborn offspring. I made you merge with the champion, Amon, for that reason. Come, Akira!" Satan had the audacity to smile at him. And it broke Akira.

"YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT!" He screamed as he fully transformed. The scream so powerful that the cliff cracked in half. "You robbed me of my most important thing. I would like to cry for you... but my tears have all dried up."

Your hand flew to your mouth.

"Aki... no..." You whispered. The end was laid out in front of you, and you wished you had never spoken to Satan... Lucifer... Hades... The evil being with many names, each as worse as the last. You wished you had never given him your name, your pomegranates or your time. Everything was a mistake. In fact, you came to a realization. 

God must hate me too.

As the words tumbled through your mind, you couldn't help but look up at the scene in front of you, so horrible that you simply couldn't tear your eyes away from it. It was like a murder, or a fatal accident; your mind was far too invested to walk away.

But you knew it wouldn't always be like that. You knew that as soon as you physically could, you were going to get up and leave-- with or without Akira and definitely without Satan.

You've Changed (Akira Fudo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now