Chapter 15 (Silver)

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  They say dreams have something special about them. For some people, they're calming, for others they're horrifying, but for Silver, they're foreshadowing. Her long few nights being dragged around by two of her old comrades were long, boring, and all around...well...mysterious. The dreams she'd repeatedly had were not only odd...but dangerously unwelcoming. There was however one thing they all had in common, they ended in an explosion of fire.
  Sil sat there, chained to an oak tree as Fang and Rider slept soundly in their warm sleeping bags. They'd accidentally left a small lamp on next to her, causing all the forest bugs to creep over in her direction. The nats and mosquitoes kept bothering her, so she tried her best to fling them away with her bushy fox tail. Her eyes now had two dark circles underneath from lack of sleep. But she was tired of the continuous nightmares and bites, the crawlers of the night showed no mercy.
  Silver had spent the past few days trying to break free of the metal bracelet they kept on her to conceal her powers. But it was no use, whatever it was, it definitely wasn't anything some mere criminal with a history of lock picking could just pull off. It was obvious this predicament she'd gotten into needed a little more brilliance to escape from.
  Looking up at the stars blanketing the sky, she closed her eyes, slowed her breathing, and calmly listened to the sounds of the forests. She could hear the small animals scurrying to their hideouts, the night breeze flowing through the air, and the wolves howling at the moon. She could also hear...a foot step!
  Silver quickly jerked awake, swiftly turning her head toward where she thought she heard the sound. Her fox ears alertly perked and turning to listen. Almost ninja like, a hand ever so swiftly and quietly covered her mouth. As calmly as possible, she turned her head to face the person standing near her. Immediately, she recognized her as Ally's relative. Without saying a word, she unlocked Silver's chains, and beckoned her to follow. Sil didn't ask questions, and swiftly tailed behind her.
" did you find me again?" Silver asked as they ran.
"It doesn't matter right now, we need to go. Those idiots, sleeping without a guard? Please, even Ally wouldn't make that mistake." As they ran, thougts kept running through Sil's head. This kind of escape is a little too easy. She braced herself for what was next, whether it be traps, guards, or magic, she'd take care of it.
  Almost as if she'd read her mind, Ally's sister warned," Don't get cocky, no matter how prepared you are, always assume you're going to lose. You'll die if you think you're ready for anything, go over all the worse scenarios and focus on how you think you can win."
  Silver certainly didn't need a lecture, she wanted to get escape as fast as possible. She could smell a breeze of fresh air from futher up the forest. The sound of waves crashing on large rocks could be heard in the distance. They must be close to an ocean, which was odd to her, she'd never actually seen one before and was unaware there was one near by. Then again, she'd been traveling for quite a while without a map, how would she know where she is?
  All of a sudden, a slight realization struck her. She'd somehow lost sight of Ally's relative. Stopping in her tracks, she listened carefully for her guide. They were trying to escape, why would she dissappear now? Something had to be wrong.
Just then, she heard the sound of someone jumping off an aok tree behind her, it's leaves rattling and falling lightly to the ground. Silver helt the harsh grasp of someone attacking her from behind. They both came tumbling to the dirt ground.
  Sil attempted to reach for her weapon, until she realized it was taken by the bandits from before. Her attacker had practically pinned her to the ground, using all her body weight to yank her forward and push her head to the floor.
  Silver managed to break one of her hands free. She pulled her left leg underneath her stomach and grabbed the hand of her opponent off of her head, refusing to realease it. She then quickely stood up with all her might, turning around to take out the person before her.
  Kicking him down, she grabbed the gun in his pocket and pulled it in his direction. There, she could see his face and what a "surprise," it was Fang. But he wasn't the only one, she immediately realized a person she assumed was Rider had ran forward to take her out.
  He jumped to go in for a tackle, but she bent down to dodge, moved over, and gave him a harsh blow to the gut, sending him falling right on top of Fang. Re-positioning her gun, she focused once again on the two targets.
  Thinking for a sec about what just took place, she realized what was off. First, Fang was fighting with wrestling style close combat, which he sucks at and hates. Second, she noticed a gun at Rider's side, which he would never use. Rider uses a sword to respect the traditional assassin culture, and he's much much faster. Third, if they really were Rider and Fang, they would've taken her out by now. These two, were obviously imposters.
  Silver stared intently at the two,"Who are you!"She threateningly asked.

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