Chapter 13 (Silver)

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  Painful memories began to flood through Silver's head, some she wished more than anything would disappear. She didn't want to remember, she didn't want to be reminded of those dark days in which she failed to protect a friend. Not today, she won't allow it to happen again, never again. The sword she held in her hands was not a simple piece of metal, it was a weapon, one of which she could save her friend's life with, it was either her triumph...or her death.
  The boy she'd protected had been set safely down near the hedges. But unless she could dispose of this villain quick, he may not be for long. In the distance, Silver could see Puck had noticed him, and quickly started running to his side. With Puck near the child, she finally felt she could focus more, knowing he was being guarded. She quickly pushed against her opponents force, putting enough distance between them for another attack.
  The blows were ferocious, and so quick, the eyes of a normal person could not follow. Suddenly, Silver noticed something oddly familiar about her foe. His attack patterns, strength, movements, agility...and most of all...his rare bright orange eyes. As he struck for another attack, Silver dodged his sword, quickly swooped beneath his arm, and barely managed to slice off the thick dark fabric hiding his identity. There, she could see her greatest rival quickly whirling over to face her again,"R...Rider?!" Silver yelled.
  For a second, Silver lost a bit of her guard from the surprise. Rider didn't hesitate, he took advantage of the moment, and struck a painful blow to her leg, then threw her harshly to the ground, his blade hovering overhead. "You know, it wasn't very smart of you to betray Venom like that. He sent a few of us to dispose of you, and you know the man won't get off our case till the work is completed. Sorry foxy, it was fun competing with you, but no one's going to save you now."
  Silver couldn't move, Rider had managed to paralyze her body with his quick, tricky power. Lifting his long blade up, he aimed to pierce the sharp weapon into her back. But right before the blade hit, a sudden wave of energy pounded hard against his face, sending him flying down into the trashed streets of the crumbling town. Ally's surprisingly angry look, facing her opponent with upmost fiery. "You jerk! How dare you forget about me!"
Silver watched in shock, no one had ever been able to launch such a critical hit on Rider. At least, not someone she knew...till now. The now frustrated assassin slowly pulled himself up, his broken bloody nose and bruised face appearing unsightly across the punched cheek. His expression swiftly changed, it was one of an interesting look he gave to Ally. Not one of anger, surprise, or cockiness, but one almost of satisfaction or joy. Virtually, a small smirk appeared in her direction.
"Not bad, I'm impressed, but I think you're forgetting something," Rider amusingly pointed out. Ally's patience (or what was left of it) had officially ran out. This guy managed to make her more irate then anyone else she'd ever known. She planned her next attack carefully, she was going to defeat this guy, no matter what. Just as she decided to move, the realization of what he spoke of hit her like shock, and she realized, she had been frozen in place. Somehow, Rider had managed to paralyze Ally, helpless to move.
Rider picked up his weapon from the ground as he casually approached her. He took his time walking forward, obviously with little worry or care. In this moment, Silver realized she had been released, finally her body could move again. She tried to push herself up from the ground, but the pain in her leg was so great, she struggled. What really pained her was the distance between her and her sword, along with the gun. With all the will she had left, she attempted to reach for the fire arm, but it was too far.
Rider eventually made it to her side, and attaching her hands to her back, he obstructed her even more so from any movement. "As I said, you're not going anywhere,"He claimed. Once again lifting his sword to strike, he was suddenly obstructed once again, this time, falling over unconscious onto Silver's back. Looking behind him, stood a whole other pack of advanced bandits, one with a dart gun pointed at the senseless assassin. He then shot at Ally, sending her immediately falling onto the dirt ground. And Silver watched as she too was shot, and fell fast asleep with faded vision, and loss of hearing.

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