Chapter 9 (Silver)

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  Two days had passed, and the three of them had no idea what their plan was going to be. They'd been walking through the thick forest, discussing things like where they were going to go, how were they going to live, and what their purpose would be. All they knew for sure, was they were heading towards a small town with which they could get themselves some supplies and new clothes. It would probably be best to keep their identity hidden for the time being. They couldn't afford the hero society, or any villains (Assasins from Silver's group) finding them, it was too much of a risk.
  They hadn't stopped for hours, and Silver's feet felt like if the throbbing increased in any more pain, they might explode or fall off. She kept insisting to herself she'd been through worse to lesson the agony and prevent herself from didn't help much. Exhaustion began getting the best of her as well, soon she started to question weather or not Ally actually knew where they were going.
  To distract herself from everything, her mind drifted off, thinking of completely useless things pertaining to absolutely nothing that mattered or had value. During this short moment of spacing out, she ran straight into a tree branch. Surprised, she tripped on her own feet, landing roughly on the hard dirt ground. Trying to get up, she was pulled back by a strong vine which had gotten caught on her tail.
  It was official, Silver HATES plants! Turning around to check on her friend, Ally couldn't help but laugh at the sight. She tried so hard to spare Sil the embarrassment, but it was just too funny. Annoyed and angry, Silver suddenly looked as though she'd throw a fit,"Stop laughing! It's not funny you idiot!"
  Ajax came around the corner, and sat next to Ally to observe the show himself. "I'd say it's plenty funny,"he said smiling, obviously amused. Yanking her tail violently away from the vine holding her in it's grasp, she stormed off down their path. Ally stopped laughing, and started running to her side,"Silver wait, I'm sorry, I just thought it was funny is all. I didn't mean any harm by it."
  Sil didn't listen, she just kept moving through the trees and underbrush that covered the surrounding area. "Sil please stop, please don't be mad at me." Once she got through to an open part of the forest, she quit walking and turned to face Ally,"I'm not mad at you."
  "Then why did you all of a sudden run off like that?" Silver turned around, pointing in the direction they faced,"Look,"She answered. Beyond where they stood, a small town,surprisingly busy for it's size, were bustling with noise and people. There were a few very tall building located around, and in the center of the town. The art carved into the buildings was very beautiful, they obviously had some very talented architects living in the area.
  Ajax, Silver, and Ally looked around the place in awe. For somewhere with so little buildings, it was very beautiful...and crowded. As Silver cautiously explored the town, she couldn't help but notice the hard gazes of the people, staring at her with funny expressions. They were looking at her silver ears and tail, obviously none of the them were used to seeing someone like her running around the place.
  "Umm Ally, perhaps we should find something to disguise ourselves in...we seem to stand out too much,"Silver warned. Looking around, Ally spotted a small clothes store at the end of one of the streets. "Yes I agree, maybe they have some clothes we can wear in there." They quickly walked over to the building, and turning the long handle on the strong wooden door, they entered the neat small store.
  As they entered, they were greeted by a man who politely told them," I welcome you to my store, but please, we don't allow animals in here." Ajax grunted frustratedly, but before Ally could even ask, he understood, and quietly walked out of the building. "Thank you, now, anything I could help you with?" Ally smiled, and eagerly answered the man,"As a matter and fact yes. I'm looking for something comfortable and casual. Do you think you could help?"
  "I think I can put together something. And how about you young lady? Anything you're looking for in particular?" Silver was so busy looking around, she almost didn't realize she was being spoken to. "Huh?"
  "Alright then, I'll be right back." The man walked off into his back room, where he collected an outfit for Ally. She went to go try on some things while Silver began exploring the store. It was the first time she was ever given the option to choose something for herself. She'd worn pretty much the same clothes her entire different sizes of course. Everyone in her assassin's group were required to wear the same uniform, but Sil had never worn anything else, so she never complained, nor did she have her own style.
  While walking around, her gaze suddenly fell upon a lovely dress hanging neatly up against a wall. The top was plain white, but shaped perfectly to fit it's owner well. The bottom had a plaid style, and the material felt very comfortable and flowey. That was it, Silver was drawn to the dress, she felt like she wanted it more than anything she'd ever wanted before in her life.
  Picking it up, she went into the dressing room to try it on. Looking in the reflection of the mirror hanging in the room, Silver had never felt more beautiful in her life. It seemed as though all of a sudden, she found a new version of herself, a hidden identity that had been shut away for far too long. Untying her hair, she let the long silver strands fall delicately from her head. "It's perfect,"She whispered to herself.
  While at the checkout counter, Ally was surprised to see what Silver had picked out. "Wow, I wasn't expecting you to be the dressy type,"Ally explained,"But...aren't you forgetting something?" Silver was at a loss, until Ally pointed at the ears perked up contently on her head. "Oh yah!"She remembered. Rushing to the racks, Silver picked up the first jacket she saw which was a bright cream colored hoodie.
  Before they left, Silver noticed one more thing that caught her eye. It was a small, oddly shaped object, with two glass mirrors. "What are these?"She asked the merchant.
  "They're called glasses, these ones are just for style though, nothing more. You put them on your face over your eyes."Picking them up, Silver happily tried them on,"I'd like to buy them."
  "Keep them, they look good on you."Silver smiled excitedly,"Thank you!"Ally couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the sight of Silvers bright expression."I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before Silver. I thought you were always grouchy and depressing."
  "Ha ha, very funny..."
  "So where do we go next?" Ajax stood up from the floor and began walking out onto the road while saying,"Now we need the essentials...weapons for example. Considering you have two organizations out for your heads, you may need something to protect yourself."
  "You are my weapon Ajax,"Ally pointed out.
  "I wasn't talking about you..."Looking at Silver, his message was clear. After being imprisoned, she didn't really have much except for the gun Ally's sister had given back to her. Come to think of did her sister even get her gun? It didn't matter, the fact was they needed more firepower if they were going to survive.
  It was then, Silver felt the hand of a very questionable looking woman, grabbing her arm,"If it's weapons you want...I think I know someone who can help the three of you."

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