Chapter 16 (Boxdog)

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The exterior of the large building before Ally towered over her head. For such a dangerous facility, it actually looked pretty clean, and well put together, unlike how it is in the comics she generally reads in her spare time.
The bandits looked so out of place with their rugged presence. But there was one specific thing that stood out to her the most. Instead of human guards, there were dogs, each standing at the foot of every staircase.
There was little information Ajax was willing to give her about his past. But Ally had a hunch these scary looking animals before her were of the same terrible fate faced by her friend. Each one criminalized and sentenced to a life of being a mutant slave to the "hero" society.
Many of the dogs had scars across their bodies, probably from the horrifying things done to them in behalf of their captivity. But what really saddened Ally, is the lonely expressions on their face, knowing they couldn't even remember who they are...or what once meant something to them.
Looking over at Puck, Ajax, and Decota, the realization of the extent of their troubles hit her like a feirce incoming storm. If they don't get out of here fast...that fate...will become theirs.
As Ally kept pondering over ways to escape, she heard a slight shriek from behind her. One of the bandits took hold of Decota, and began dragging him away.
"No! Let me go!" The helpless boy screamed, tears once again falling down to his chin. Instinctively, Ajax bit the hand of his holder, yanking with all force away from the metal device holding him tight. As the tech slipped, he ran to Decota's aid, attacking the bandit beside him.
Digging his teeth in the man's leg, he fell back from the sudden shock of pain, releasing Decota from his grasp. Ajax then, jumped on the man's chest to hold him down. "Run Decota!" He feircly barked.
Decota stood still for a second, completely terrified and unsure of what to do. But by the time he gained the courage to move, he was shocked to have ran into a woman, who grabbed him, and locked him back.
Jumping off the man to run after Decota, the woman tazzed him mid way, knocking him paralyzed to the ground.
The shock Ally felt could not be stressed enouph. The woman before them, was none other than Sarah Treevine, head of the hero societie's security force. Handing Decota over to another one of the bandits, she calmly bent over near Ajax, lifting and observing the wingged emblem on his collar. Her thumb brushing over the smooth center of the tag.
"I'm surprised, of all people who could've been harboring one of our prisoners, I never thought it'd be you Ally." She said, looking over at the necklace Ally wore, dangling the same emblem as it's charm. Ally's anger burned in her chest as she yelled,"Prisoner? More like science experiment! How could you do this to them?! They're people, with lives, families, dreams!"
  "They're villains, murderers, and thieves! They chose to live this life Ally! They've endangered citizens, and the society they live in!"
  "No...SOCIETY endangered the citizens, because it's run by people like you! What about the lives you've taken Sarah? What makes you any different from them?!" It wasn't hard to spot that guilty look upon her face. This blonde haired cruel woman didn't want to admit it. Clenching her fist, and biting her tongue, she attempted her best not to scream. She was a ticking time bomb just waiting for the last match to set her off. The intense silence made Puck uneasy, he wanted to say something, do something, but his body just couldn't move.
  Finally, Sarah approached Ally in the most intimidating way she'd ever seen. A burning fierce look on her face, the click of her shoes seemed to scream terror in her ears. But she had to stay strong, she couldn't let her see her fear, so she scowled back, practically challenging her in defiance. Once the last click hit the concrete floor, it was then, Sarah spoke," I wanted you on our side Ally. You would've made an excellent allay if you decided to be. Hero Boxdog...what an ironically fitting name for your end..."
  Puck couldn't be silent anymore, he was sick of it, sick of being helpless,"You won't take her! Ally will never become one of your pets, she's too strong for that!" Sarah smiled in response to his outburst, practically mocking him,"I never said I'd be taking her. As a matter and fact, I'm taking you..." Looking over at Decota and Ajax, she began with her commands,"You know where they're going. This tall blonde boy here will go to section T8...and as for her..."She looked over at Ally,"Take her to Dylan."

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