Chapter 8 (Boxdog)

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Ally wasn't prepared to back down, she promised her friend safety, and she was going to give it to her. Unfortunately, a battle with her would me certain death for them. Mrs.Treevine was too strong, more than that, concidering she had backup on her way, they hadn't a moment to lose. Their only hope...would be to run.
Silver was still dangling in her branches, she obviously hated how the sharp leaves kept messing with her ears. That fox was about to blow...literally. She managed to free one of her arms from the grasp, whisking her tail across her leg she transferred the energy to the tree, sending an electric shock all the way to the rough, barkey source.
Mrs.Treevine released her, as she struggled to silence the pain coursing through her now paralized body. "Wow! You're a genius! But that won't hold her long, we have to go,NOW!"Ally told Sil. They could hear the loud sirens of the hero societies men heading toward them at full speed. Grabbing Sil's arm, they ran as fast as they could toward the city exit.
Ally was afraid her breath wouldn't be able to keep up with her heart, they were running so quickly she felt she might be sick. After passing through several rodes and pushing through many oblivious, crowding people, they finally made it through the exit.
It was there they ran to the woods where they couldn't be seen. Racing through the trees and underbrush, the two girls managed to find a place to hide. It was a small cave hidden between several huge rocks. The only entrance was that of the edgey top, meaning it makes it more difficult to discover. Through the tiny hole, they could see just a little bit of flickering bright light appearing through the sky.
"It looks like we're going to be here a while...they'll defiantly be out on the prowl looking for us all day. We can set off again during the night."Ally explained. Silver didn't respond, she grabbed a few branches that had mistakenly fallen into the cave, set them down neatly in a pile, and rubbed her warm hands together having on her carpet like gloves to make electricity surge and start a fire. "Wow, your power has all kinds of uses doesn't it, how handy!" Ally excitedly remarked.
Silver did not seem the slightest bit happy about anything. For a few moments, she didn't respond, she didn't even glance at Ally until finally saying,"There's a lot of things I don't understand about you. For starters...why did you attack the hero society? Why did you destroy that building? And why did you send your relative to save me?"
For a second, Ally was at a loss,"What relative?"She asked.
"Someone with your crest came to my cell, and helped me escape. She was obviously related to seemed a lot a alike, she even looked like you." Ally couldn't believe what she just heard, jumping up from her place and urgently racing to Silver's side she asked,"What was her name?!Where did she go?! Please, I need to know where she is!"
Silver was slightly uncomfortable with how close Ally was at the moment. Politely pushing her back she answered,"I don't know who she is, she came, rescued me, and then she left. I thought you sent you know who she is?" Sitting down in disappointment, Ally sadly gazed at the floor. "She' twin sister...Alex. You see, she disappeared a long time ago, it was only recently that I found out she was still alive. And so...I've been looking for her."
"But why would she save me? She doesn't even know me? And if you didn't send her..." Ally thought long and hard about what happened...and then she remembered. "Back in the room I was assigned, I thought I saw...someone. Perhaps it was her, it had to be. I was talking to Ajax about you and that must've been how she knew."
"Ajax wouldn't happen to be that dog pal of yours I met in the prison would it?"
"As a matter and fact, yes, that's him. Oh! Speaking of which!"Ally had forgotten she'd fused with Ajax back in the city. Releasing him, the dog appeared at her side, his temperament clearly visible through the expression on his doggie face. "How dare you forget about me! You know I don't like being in that form longer then I need to!" Ajax complained.
"Yah, sure you are! Two hours with ears and a tail, anyone would forget!" Walking over to a comfortable place on the ground, he gently set himself down to rest. "Does he always have an attitude?"Silver asked.
"Yep, pretty much,"Ally admitted.
"Come on, I'm not that bad,"Ajax argued.
"So says the dog who got kicked out of the hero society for his aggressive behavior." Silver's fox ears perked up out of sudden interest,"Wait...what did you say?" For several seconds, Ally and Ajax contemplated over wether or not to tell her their history. Finally Ajax replied,"It's a long story...but to cut it short, I was once a member of the Mega Guard special group for power dogs. But...I was released after I...well...had a little incident of mine. They tried to take my powers away, and because of that, I was injured. That is...until Ally came to my rescue. However, the hero society and I have been at odds ever since...I'm now a wanted fugitive to them."
  "Well, you must have done something pretty terrible to have caused them to turn on you in such a way..."
  "I'd...rather not talk about it..."
  "Is that part of the reason you and Ally were fighting against the hero society back there?" Ally turned to face her, then at Ajax. She still wasn't quite comfortable with revealing all this information to her, but she figured if Ajax was alright with sharing, he wouldn't be mad at her. "Yes partly, Ajax was caught running around in the building, and thus our cover was blown."
  Judging by the look on Silver's face, Ally indicated that the day had taken it's tole on all of them. She was afraid to sleep, especially since it was daylight, but they needed to receive some rest. "You look tired, I'll keep watch for now, you and Ajax get some sleep. We can switch off throughout the day."
  Silver spared no second more, she was completely and utterly exhausted, and it showed on her drowsy, half awake face. Laying her body groggily on the hard, dirt ground, Silver fell under that calming beautiful spell. Closing her eyes and disappearing into a great slumber.

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