Chapter 14 (Boxdog)

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This happened to be the first time Ally'd ever been locked up, and she definitely didn't like it. They'd been stuck in their cell for over a week now. Silver had advised everyone to wait patiently and observe their options for escape, and come up with a full proof strategy. So far, all the info they managed to gather is this, the bandits bring in new prisoners every two days, each with unusual characteristics like powers, animal DNA, etc.... Only those with threatening abilities are attached to the absolutely impossible to remove metallic bracelets that cancel out their abilities. They also overheard their enemies talking about where they were headed. Apparently within the next day tomorrow they'll be sent to some sort of facility.
The info was helpful, and everyone agreed to wait till the day they get transported to take a plan into action. But there was one thing still plaguing everyone's mind...why had Rider not waken up? It was too weird, the guy wasn't dead, they already checked that, but still, sleeping for a week cannot be good for you. They'd been fed very little since being dragged here, and not a single one of them knew how to feed a sleeping person properly. They figured it was better to leave him there then kill him by shoving something in his throat. Still, he'd started to look more like a shriveled bug with every day that passed.
Sil was more worried about him then she was, and she doesn't even like the guy. It occurred to her that she isn't as bad and heartless as she pretends to be. She holds things dear, and easily gets attached. I guess you could call it her defense mechanism, she'd lost so many dear people in her life, so she tries to block her attachment by pretending not to care. She's not very good at hiding things...still, Ally understood.
Little Decota sat down drawing pictures in the dirt, he seemed content, considering they are stuck in a cell. Ajax had seemed oddly protective of the child. He stayed behind, watching over him as the days went on. Occasionally, he'd let the boy sleep on him when he got tired, or gently pet his head. It was kinda cute, who would've thought the hot headed dog would have a soft spot for little children. Sil was the same way in that aspect, she seemed much gentler with them as well.
Puck had been sitting on the ground thinking for the past few hours. He was obviously pretty bored, then again, all of them were. They hadn't been given a single thing to entertain them, and it kinda made things quiet for the most part. Ally walked over to Puck, sat beside him, and leaned her head against his shoulder. Puck carefully pulled his arm out from behind her back and gently held her close. Ally could feel his breath at the top of her head, his warmth calming her and giving her only the greatest sense of peace. "I'm worried Ally,"He told her.
"Me too, we all are," She responded.
"No, I mean, I have a bad feeling. It's been bothering me since this morning. I don't know what it is but..."Ally wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and said,"It'll be alright, don't worry. I'm sure the four of us can figure something out." Puck seemed to relax a bit after that, her response made him feel a little better. He cuddled closer to her and used his free hand to play with her hair a bit. "Alright, and just so you know, when we get out of this, we're gonna eat 3 tubs of cottage cheese, and binge watch all our favorite shows."
Ally looked up at him, a cute smile showed on her face,"But I thought you didn't want me to get sick."
"I don't, but at this point, we deserve to be spoiled."
"Yay!" Ally pulled his head to hers and gave him a sweet kiss upon his soft lips. Ajax about lost his marbles,"Yo! PDA alert!"He shouted over at the couple. They completely ingored him, and kept kissing just to drive him mad.
Suddenly, they all heard the loud crash of a heavy door being forced open. Several bandits came rushing in, quickely pulling out prisoners from their cells. "There's been a change of plans, lets get them loaded, quick!" They heard someone yell. Eventually they came to their door, forcibly grabbing all of them, and rushing them to the outside where all the carts were located. They were each shoved in, and locked onto a metal bar surrounding the interior.
  Ally looked over at Silver, she hoped maybe she would've come up with a plan by now. "Umm, Sil, what are we going to do?"She asked. Silver looked petrified, her expression of worry filled the look in her eyes. "I...I don't know. I was thinking we could find a way once they tried to pull us out, but it was too fast." Ajax, Puck, and Decota sat still, refusing to say a word. If no one has a plan...then what's next for them? Should they wait? That was a stupid question, as if they had a choice.
  Puck looked in Ajax's direction as something crossed his mind,"Why did they move the date of our transportation earlier then originally planned?" The boxer faced him as he answered,"Do I look like some seer to you boy?"
"Then shut up and inference for yourself." Ally gave Ajax a warning glare, signaling to him to watch his bark. Turning to Puck, she politely explained,"Excuse him Puck, don't take it personally. The bandits did seem a bit frantic when they rushed in. If I had to guess, I'd say they were worried about something approaching from afar."
  Silver, who was sitting tightly near the doors, suddenly said," Your guess is right. Look." Everyone except Decota slid their way over to Silver. Their tight metal chains rattling against the smooth surface of the steel bars. Through a tiny crack in the doors, they could just barely see the prison from a distance. There, flying overhead, was none other then three copters scouting the area. "The hero society..."Ally remarked,"They found us." Silver turned to look over at her,"Yah they did, that's not good. I'm not sure which is worse, being captured by bandits, or by so called heroes."
  It was then, a deep voice called out to them,"How bout both..." When they all shifted their gaze toward the response, they saw none other than Rider, awake at the back of the truck. "Wow, you came too, we almost thought you were dead,"Said Ally. Silver lowered her head, clearly disappointed,"Dang it,"She whispered.
  "If you dare try anything, I assure you, it won't end well,"Ajax warned. Rider sat up a little more, straitening himself into a more comfortable position. "Please, even I know when to give up. We're all going to die anyway, it's pointless,"He calmly stated,"Isn't that right Silver?" All gazes turned toward the silver haired fox girl, their sudden interest peeked. She said nothing, only lowered her head, trying not to make eye contact with the others. "Looks like your friend hasn't told you the whole truth,"Rider continued.
  Ally stared intently at the guilty girl,"Silver, what does he mean?" After a few seconds of silence, she finally responded,"I...I know where we're going..." She looked forward over toward Decota,"You already know it's a facility. But you don't know what kind. That's another prison where they conduct experiments on unwanted fugitives and orphans. And by they, I mean the hero society." Just then, Puck's eyes seemed to enlarge in shock,"The hero society?! But why?!"
  "To study the enemy. They take people with certain abilities, and they figure out how to deal or destroy them...but it's more than that..."
  "Yes it is,"Ally angrily pitched in,"They turn people into their puppets. And when they don't help, they take everything from them. Those terribly people...they're just as bad as the villains they fight!" Puck had never seen Ally so angry, what had gotten into her?
  " know about this too?"
  "Only the basics, I don't know much, but I know they've been taking people and turning them into animals. Then, they mess with their will. But the strong ones able to fight it are taken away, their powers stolen, and their life lost. a victim..." Puck's surprise had never been so drawn out in such a short period of time. "'re saying, Ajax is a person?!"
  The boxer angrily glared at the blonde boy,"No, talking pets with strong abilities and information are normal to have following around. Of course I'm a person you idiotic geek!" Silvers heart had never felt so heavy, she figured it was time to be honest,"I have a confession. Like you Ajax, I too am a victim of the experiments...and I'm are too Decota?"
  The little boy had sat quietly against the wall, listening to their conversation. He shyly nodded, obviously a little uncomfortable with the topic. Rider sat still as he said,"Geez, you guys figured all this out with just one comment from me? That's actually pretty impressive I'll admit."
  "We need to get out of here, fast,"Silver urgently said,"Before they get you too." Rider grinned at her warning,"It's funny to me that you're the one worrying. You won't be here long."
  "What do you mean?" There was a rumble heard from out side, and all the cars were pulled over, stopping in their tracks. They could hear voices from outside, loud ones. At first, it sounded like the bandits had encountered a threat, until the noises ceased and someone approached their cart. The large metal doors were flung open, and Silver was pulled out, harshly dragged outside. "What, what's going on?!"She yelled. She tried to squirm from the person holding her tight, trying to get released, but his grip was ridiculously strong.
  It was then, she heard a very familiar voice, one of which appeared in her nightmares. From in front of her, she could see who she was being taken to,"Fang,"She mumbled. From behind her, she'd realized Rider had been pulled out as well, also heading in their direction. "Well, I'm surprised you bothered negotiating for me old friend. I thought you hated me,"He told Fang.
  "Believe me, it wasn't my choice. Release him,"Fang ordered his holder. He let him go, while Fang gave one of the men a large bag they carried into one of the carts. "How'd you get them to hand us over?"
  "They're bandits, they'll do anything for the right price. Come on, grab her, we need to go."

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