Uncle Andy's House...

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Pete was sprawled out in a recliner.

Razzel jumped on him and he made an 'Oof' noise. "Daddy, since you weren't here last night, Imma cuddle with you until I have to go to Uncle Andy's." she snuggled into Pete and hugged him tightly.

Pete smiled, "Alright, Sweety."

I wait until there's only fifteen minutes until she's supposed to be at Andy's. Then I walk over to them. "C'mon, Razzel, we need to leave."

She nodded and stood up, kissing Pete's cheek before running off to her room.

Pete stood up. "I'll take her." he said.

I nodded. "You sure?"

He smiled. "Of course." Then he kissed me.

Razzel walked back downstairs. "Bye, daddy!" She gave me a hug before taking Pete's hand and running out the door.


"I can't wait to see Uncle Andy!" Razzel said.

I smiled. "Its been a while. I bet he's excited to see you!" I said.

She nodded.


"Hi, Uncle Andy!" Razzel jumped into Andy's arms the second he opened the door.

"Hey, Razzel. Why don't you go drop your bags in your room while your dad and I talk." Andy set her down.

She nodded and ran off.

Andy looked at me. "I'm so sorry." he whispered.

I shrugged. "Don't be..."

"I'll make sure to keep an eye on her." he said.

I smiled. "Thank you."

He smiled back. "Any time."

Razzel ran back downstairs.

"Bye, Sweety. I love you," I said, bending down so she could hug me.

"Bye, Panda. I love you too!"

I turned and I left.


Razzel smiled at me. "Can we watch a movie?"

I nodded. "You know where the movies are..."

She ran off to the DVD shelf and came back with the movie UP.

I groaned. "You know I don't like that movie!"

"Then why do you have it?" she sassed.

I chuckled as she put the movie into the DVD player and sat next to me. "I haven't cleaned that shelf off." I said.

"Excuses... Excuses..." she mumbled.

About half way into the movie, Razzel fell asleep. She had fallen over and was lying on her side.

I stood and picked her up, taking her to her room and lying her on her bed.

She mumbled something inaudible and rolled over.

I smiled and walked out of the room.

Ring! Ring!

I groaned as I answered the phone. "Its four in the morning! What in The world could be this important?"

"Razzel's gone."

I sat up quickly. "Andy, if this is some sort of sick joke, it's not funny!" I hissed.

Patrick sat up and watched me.

"Am I laughing? No... Razzel is seriously missing." Andy said.

"Did you check the house?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Yes! She's not here!"

"We'll be there in five..." I looked at Patrick as I hung up.

His hands clung to hos mouth.

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