G l a c i e r s t o r y

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Zane was sitting down watching the television, His icy blue eyes focused on the screen.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, a cold hand was placed against it.

"Who requests my assistance?" Zane asked.

"I do." Laughed the figure behind him

The laugh was very familiar to Zane, he turned his head around all the way and Saw Cole smiling.

"Hello Cole, why would you be smiling? Has something exciting happened?" He asked.

"Yes, something has." Cole moved his head closer to the nindroid.

"What would that be?" Zane asked.

"Being here with you." He smirked giving Zane a small kiss on the cheek.

Zane turned his head around all the way, he started to smile like an idiot, although emotions didn't come to him often, being around Cole made him feel, different.

Cole walked around the couch and sat down next to Zane, staring at him in the eyes, his smirk turned to a smile.

"Cole why do you behave in such a strange manner with me, compared to the rest?"

Cole sighed, "I'm in love with you man." Cole said.

"Yes, I love you guys too, you're like brothers to me."

"No, No, not like that." Cole said, "I love you like... The way Jay secretly feels about Lloyd, but he makes it super obvious."

"Oh." Zane said, his face heating up.

"Yeah.. I never told you though. Well until now." Cole said.

The two remained silent watching the television, Cole placed his head on Zane's shoulder, Zane had put his right arm around Cole's waist.

"I love you Zane."

"I.... Love you too." Zane smiled

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