A sorta old fanfic i never finshed

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So I was looking through my notes (where I write fanfics) and I found the one I'm putting below I'm not sure if it was a corney fanfic, a larney fanfic, or a larrie one....

Chapter 1:

Larrys p.o.v

There I was sitting in carries garage playing my bass while Carrie was chatting with Kim and konnie, it was so weird they were talking about girly stuff I honestly don't care about but I got used to it after all I am a Newman anyway, "larrs, can you get my bag please" Carrie asked me, "okay care" I said. Usually me and Carrie call each other larrs and care it's just a thing. I grabbed carries bag and passed it to her "here you go" I said. Carrie grabbed the bag and said "thanks". Then I walked back to the couch and played my bass, then suddenly Mina rushed down the stairs, "Mina what's going on I thought you quit on Trina?" I asked. "Well actually I did quit I'm just in a big rush" Mina said as she ran out the garage door. Mina was always so busy I wondered what she was up too, because me and Mina are friends but as always she thinks  I'm a girl like everyone in peaceville, the only person who knew I was a boy was Laney but she is my enemy I didn't like her, but we both knew about our crushes on Corey and Carrie.

Chapter 2:

Laneys p.o.v

I was in the garage hanging out with kin and kon playing cards waiting for core to show up with some crazy plan as usual I won all 6 games we played untill core bursted in "guess what guys!! We are playing at a comic festival!!" Corey said. I hated comic conventions they drove me crazy they usually have those really bad superhero comics and bad merch at them "core but comic conventions are stupid" I said. "Lanes, lanes, lanes comic conventions are so awesome! You can dress up as your favourite people and cosplay as them and well yeah!" Core said to me. I just stood there giving him a look "how is cosplaying fun..." I said. "Dunno just is I guess" Corey said. I facepalmed "core seriously" I said. Core just patted me on the shoulder I blushed as usual then he stopped and walked to the stage to grab his guitar and just played it, I just sat there watching him while staring at him, I had such A massive crush on core but he didn't know and plus everyone in peaceville thought I was a boy even core, which drove me crazy, all I have been thinking about lately is our kiss on New Years it's just been bugging me even if it was a accident, I'm glad Trina unleashed the metronome yet at first we lost our timing and then we got it back, as I said I got to kiss core, we played and awesome gig and we had a awesome second New Years. I just watched core playing his guitar for the next 10 minutes.

Chapter 3:

Larrys p.o.v

Later that day the band and I were hanging out and drinking milkshakes which we normally do after practice. We decided to go to high ground park just for fun, it was a long walk but luckily Mina found us and drove us there "thanks sis" carrie said to Mina. "No prob sis" Mina replied. So after a while I just decided to go sit on a bench and took out my phone I got 5 new messages:

Carrie: it's me Laney, larry you realize carries phone is here right?

Carrie: Larry? You there?

Carrie: LARRY!!

Carrie: oh nvm I'll give it to Mina then 😑

Mom: Larry get home now!!

Great I need to go home and Laney has carries phone "guys I need to head home see ya" I said. The newmans waved as Mina drove me back "so Larry how are things" Mina asked me. "Enh there okay, by the way can we drive to Grojbands garage for a sec?" I asked her. "Why I thought you hated those guys" Mina said. "No Laney just found carries phone and well you can go get it I guess" I said. Mina nodded and drove over, she got out and went inside, I waited then she came back in with carries phone. She drove me back to my house and left. I tried to pull at my door as usual my parents are not home. I grabbed my house keys and unlocked the door, I locked it again and walked into the kitchen I opened the fridge and grabbed some leftovers from last night and walked into my room I sat by the window and ate. Then I looked out the window it started to snow I kept looking but then something came in sight Laney was standing out there freezing locked out of her house I just stared *should I help her* I thought.  I was being weird I hated that girl but I was tempted, so then I slowly walked out side wearing winter clothing it was so cold outside, I walked over to Laneys house I didn't go near her I just hid in the bushes and threw a jacket at her "ahh!" Laney said. "Oh just a jacket might aswell wear it" Laney said, I watched her put on one of my jackets then she looked happier at least she wasn't cold. Wait what! Why would I even care anyway she's part of grojband, I just snook away back into my house.

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