Fury Is..... Gone?!

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Claire manages to get into trouble once again. She got trapped in the Ferocious Woods with blood seeking beads and packs of wolves looking for food.

A guy named Hunter saves her and leads her out of the woods. He even found her phone! But something was odd about him.

She should've listened to me!

Shut up you stupid dragon! Let me finish the previously!


Hunter knocks her out. Let's find out what happened to her, shall we?


I woke up to see I was tied up. Not only that but I was hung upside down! I tried to remember what happened. Then everything clicked into place. The woods, Hunter and Fury telling me off about him.

This is all YOUR fault. You should've listened.

Now is not the time to be getting snarky! We need to find a way out!

Claire! We are hung upside down with the strongest metal in the world! We can't escape! You will die from the fall and I won't be able to shift with this metal!

I was about to reply when I heard the door open. I growled lowly when I heard two familiar laughs. Cora and Hunter. What are they doing together!?

"Ah hello up there sister!" Shouted my "sister."

Hunter's eyes widened when she said that. I guess she didn't tell him about our relationship.

"Sister?! You said she was a misbehaved dragon that needed to be exterminated!" He looked at her bewildered.

"Yeah but it's not your business anyway!" She snarled in his face.

He didn't know. He didn't want to do this. He thought you were guilty of crime. I can tell from his face.

What do we do?!

There's nothing I can do to help you. This metal kills dragons if we hang here for a long period of time.

There was only one thought on my mind.

We aren't going to get out of here alive.

                      ALEX'S POV

I was out of breath by the time I made it to Baxter's house. I texted everyone to meet me there and they agreed. I barged in and they stared at me in shock.

Everybody looked terrible. It's been almost a week since we checked those woods to find nothing of Claire. Not even her phone!

"Guys. I heard from Claire." They immediately started asking questions.

"Is she ok?!" Baxter.

"Where is she?!" Jason.

"Why isn't she here with you?!" The girls.

They started shouting before I cut them off.

"If you will shut up, I'll be able to tell you!" They shut their annoying mouths finally.

"She was with someone. His name is Hunter. He found her phone when she dropped it running away from bears and wolves. She was about to say something. Something really important. He's no ordinary person guys. I think he's a magical being." I concluded and they just stared at me.

"Well what happened to her?!" Jason shouted, looking like he was about to rip out my throat if I didn't speak.

"She couldn't finish her sentence. All I heard was her scream before the line went dead." I said looking to the ground sadly. I heard a whine and looked sadly down at Scout.

"It's ok boy. We'll fine her."

                      CORA'S POV

Finally! That Hunter guy is so stupid! He actually believed that little pip squeak of a sister could actually kill innocent people! Now I can finally have my revenge.

You see Hunter is no ordinary person. He's a witch. He has magical powers. He can kill someone with a snap of a finger, use fire powers, even make a person look like they never existed!

I knew Fury would be able to tell he was danger but little Claire was stupid enough to not listen! Flame was wrong. He totally thought she wouldn't fall for it.

Stop floating you fat pig. I so wish I could kill you!

What is your problem!? You've been acting like this ever since I started hurting my siblings!

Siblings should be kind to each other! Not being in a huge rivalry! You are in the wrong. You kill your own mother Cora! You need to stop and let Claire go!

I'm so done with you. This plan is going forward whether you like it or not!!

                    CLAIRE'S POV

The door suddenly opened and I flinched. I don't know how long I've been here for but I'm getting close to my ending point. I haven't heard from Fury since at least a day or so. I'm getting worried.

"Hey." Hunter.

"What do you want? This is all your fault!" I said down to him. I didn't dare look at him.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you were a danger to everyone. If I would've known this would've happened, then I would've never went through with this. Please forgive me." His voice cracked at the end.

I looked down at him to see he had tears in his eyes and he had his head down in shame.

I was about to tell him I forgave him when I suddenly felt as if someone ripped something out of my body. I heard Fury cry out in pain. Hunter looked brokenly at me. I then felt the floor. I felt loneliness as if Fury just disappeared. 

"He's gone. Fury is gone." I muttered.

"It was the metal. He couldn't take it no matter how hard he tried to resist. I need to get you out of here before it's too late."

"What do you mean too late??" I asked fearfully.

"Without your dragon, you'll be vulnerable. She'll be able to kill you easily. I can still recover your dragon. We must hurry though. If we don't help you in time, you'll die." I froze and looked at him. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the horrible cell.

"Traitor! Where do you think you're going?"

Oh no!!

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