Ashely and the Voice

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Claire had a bad dream about a monster. When she woke up, she got another text from E, of course.

E takes her mind off of the window where E shot her to change her into a monster.

The monster brought it's claw down and.......

                   JASON'S POV

How does this keep happening?! How does E know everything? This has to be someone we know right? There's no way this person could know so much about Claire if she/he doesn't know her!

Claire was a monster due to a shot. There was a note on it from E saying she got her. She distracted her.

I tried to escape but to avail. The monster, that wasn't Claire, brought it's paw down ready to slice me when it stopped right above my head. What?

The monster growled painfully before changing back to sweet little Claire again.

What just happened?


It took all of my will power to get me back to normal. I was so close though. I'm so glad I was finally able to stop myself or the monster that was me. That shot made me almost kill Jason. I couldn't let that happen.

I looked back at the window to see that tranquilizer gun sitting there. I stood up and looked back towards the door. Jason stood there looking at me in relief.

I looked at my phone and saw a notification from E. I mentally groaned. Before I looked at it, I glanced at Jason and he looked at me in worry then at my phone.

E: Aww you ruined my fun. Don't worry. I'm not done with you yet. Better hurry. Dearest mother isn't as strong as she used to be.

My eyes widened as I read her message. My mom? Wait when was the last time I've seen her?! It's been a while since I have seen my mom.

I went to my contacts and pressed on my mom's. It rang.

And rang.

And rang.

"Hello this is Ashley. Sorry I missed your call. Leave a voicemail and I'll call you back as soon as I can." Voicemail. Why isn't she answering??

I felt my phone vibrate again.

E: Oh wait. I already have her. Hahahahah. Better get moving back home and you'll find something.

I could feel my blood boiling by now. I shoved past Jason and ran down the hallway. I froze when my phone rang. Jason was right behind me when I looked down to see it was my mom.

"Mom?" I asked hesitantly.

"Claire! Whatever you do, don't come home!" I heard in the background before the line went dead. I grabbed Jason's hand and dragged him outside. He kept giving me a confused look but I ignored it.

"Don't cry like a baby." I said before we were up in the air. I zipped past the clouds and soon found myself outside my house.

From the outside of it, it looked horrible. There was glass everywhere. The door was broken down. There was furniture everywhere in different pieces.

I was stomping toward the door when a hand held my wrist bringing me back. I looked back at Jason and glared at him.

"No Claire. They are trying to make you go in there. It's a trap." He said desperately telling me not to go in there.

"I don't care. I have to save my mom." I said before ripping my wrist from his grip and barging in. Suddenly, the door slammed behind me. I spun around but nobody was there.

I looked and looked and looked but found no traces of my mom anywhere. I went to leave but found dust everywhere. What the-

My thought were cut off by a sickening laugh. I looked around frantically to see no one. I found a bag and went over to it.

Oh no! I need to get out of here! This dust wasn't any old plain dust. This dust gets rid of my powers which would leave me vulnerable under E's power.

It was too late though. I felt the power inside me reside and I couldn't do anything. The dust disappeared seconds later.

I tried to fly or turn invisible but nothing worked. Nonono! I ran out and suddenly fell to the floor. I looked up and saw Jason staring at me in worry.

"Claire? What happened in there?" He tried asking me but I felt like I couldn't even talk. I opened my mouth but when nothing came out of it, I shut it.

Jason was still looking at me when I tore my gaze away from him. I could feel his burning gaze on me as I continued to stare at my feet.

"Claire?" He asked again but I still couldn't answer. My eyes widened as I tried to talk again but I still couldn't. I ran back inside and Jason tried to stop me. He stopped when I glared at him.

I went back to the bag and started reading it. I lost my breath when I saw the one thing I didn't want to see.

I can lose my voice by this. I tried to talk again but no noise came out of my mouth. I stood back up with the bag and started pacing, trying to figure out what to do.

E: Yay! My plan worked. How are you going to be able to communicate when you can't even talk? Your poor poor mommy is waiting.

I didn't know what to do. E has my mom, I don't have my powers anymore and I don't have a voice.

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