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PREVIOUSLY IN BOOK 1......................

Claire was having trouble with E. She almost fell from an abandoned classroom, she chased E, she risked her life to keep her friends and family safe.

Then, she finds out her cousin, Fawn, had something to do with "E". She was upset that she couldn't see her precious cousin. She did the unthinkable.

She shot her right in the heart. She regretted it right after doing it. She would do anything to take back everything she has done. All she wishes is to see her cousin once more happy.

Jason watched as the life was taken away from his one true love. The last thing she said was I love you. Here's a possibility that when/ if she wakes up, she might not even remember him. Anything could happen. He could only hope that she lives through this.

As soon as Scout heard the news, he stopped eating and making any noises indicating he was even alive. All he ever does now is sit on Claire's bed waiting for her to come back. IF she comes back.

Baxter was devastated. His little sister has been in the hospital for countless reason but never anything this bad. She was fighting for her life and there was nothing he could do. He never even got to say goodbye to his little sister.

Ashley closed herself off from the world. She stopped talking all in all waiting for her only daughter who saved her life to come back. She was slowly losing hope but she didn't ever want to let Claire go. She spent all of her time crying praying to god to bring her back.

Jacey was the worst. She's known Claire all her life. Ever since Kindergarten and boom now she heard that Claire was shot in the heart, fighting for her life in the hospital. She always looked in the distance thinking. The girls have been trying to contact her but to no avail. Jacey won't answer until she hears good news coming from Claire's side.

Penelope and Abigail spent all of their time together now. They try to stay positive for everybody else's sakes. Slowly though, they were breaking. There was nothing they could do to bring the spirits of everybody back. Only one thing can fix their broken hearts. That thing is Claire.

Henry likes to spend all of his time listening to music. He listens to sad songs waiting for Claire's arrival again. He's slowly losing hope but he holds onto the hope he has for Jason. He spends a lot of time with him as well. Every time he sees Jason, he could see how broken he was. It was understandable though. He loves her and now she could be gone at any moment.

Charlie has blocked himself off as well. He's been blaming himself too. By how he used to treat Claire. He feels guilty for everything he has done. He just wants one chance to make it up to her but there's a possibility he won't be able to anymore. He's cried more time than he has ever. He hates himself for what he has done and he would do anything to make it up to her. He can only wait to see if she will ever walk this Earth ever again.

Lastly, there's Alex. Her best friend since forever. He's devastated as well. He regrets leaving for a while instead of having fun with Claire. He tries to bring happiness upon himself by remembering his memories about them. He remembered how they used to play on the playground together. He remembers how he teased her and said cheesy puns to her. How she actually laughed at those awful puns. He just wanted Claire back as his best friend. He wanted everything and everybody to go back to normal.

Even the whole school has been devastated. The sadness everybody brings takes everybody down to their level. Soon enough, nobody was happy knowing one of their classmates, friend was fighting for her life like a puppet on a string in the hospital.

Not one person talks throughout school, after school, not a word. The whole town is devastated by the horrible occurrence of Claire. Nobody would've expected the good girl ,Claire,
to be fighting for her life by one bullet shot. Nobody expected her to be shot by her own cousin. Everybody expected for her to live a happy life with her family and friends by her side.

They expected her to go to college, pass easily and continue on life. Nobody would've expected that she would end up in a hospital bed.

At least once, one person is always in Claire room shedding tears, laughing at memories they had with her and just relaxing in there as if she was in there with them.

Whenever everybody met her, they would've never expected this to be the end. What they didn't know is that she will return. Alive or dead, she'll be there.

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