The Disapearing Act

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Fury and Flame fought. Fury had Flame right where he wanted but then he was surprised to see ten other dragons around him. Cora cheated. They all shifted back and Claire had control back.

Claire was about to be hit by a fireball but her dad that was supposed to be dead was killed instead.


I whined as I saw Claire. I quickly ran over to her and nuzzled my head in her hand. She didn't even react! She simply just kept looking at Charles's dead body.

She blames herself. I thought.

I looked over to Alex who was just frozen there, shocked. He looked over at me when he realized I was looking at him. I trotted over to him and read my thought out. He nodded his head before looking over at Claire in despair.

Baxter looked better than her but he still looked troubled. He kept taking glances at Claire from time to time in worry. He tried talking to her, heck everyone has, but still she does nothing. It's as if she doesn't even see us here.

I whined again when she still wasn't moving. Her eyes were just glued to her father.

I walked over to Jason who had his head in his hands. I whined a little again. I lightly licked his hand and he removed his hands. He smiled weakly at me but I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't ok. He was worried about Claire.

Then, I walked over to Jacey, Penelope, and Abigail. They all looked over at me immediately. They looked as troubled as Jason did. Their eyes told me everything. They were scared for Claire too.


I can't believe it. This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have taken my eyes off all the dragons, my dad wouldn't be dead. Why couldn't I have just paid attention? Now my beloved dad is dead by my devil of a sister.

I don't know how long I have been sitting in the same position before I stood up suddenly. Everybody looked surprised for a second but I ignored it.

I looked behind me to where Cora was. More like where she used to be. Great. How did she even survive that?!

We need to find her now! Let me take over! Fury growled in my head.

No Fury! You don't get to kill her! That's my job! I growled back at him.


I was about to go run off to find her before someone gently pulled me back. I looked back to see it was Jason. He just sadly shook his head at me before pulling me along to the others.

We just awkwardly stood there. Everybody stared at me in worry. They must know I blame myself. I mean it was my fault.

No it wasn't Claire.

Really? He wouldn't have been dead if I just opened my eyes for once and see that last dragon! I growled and he shut his mouth.

I felt someone hug me. After a minute, I realized it was Baxter so I hugged him back. I felt like I couldn't even move. Then image of my dad's body was engraved in my mind.

I didn't even realize that I was now sitting in a car. Baxter was on my left while Jason was on my right. Penelope was driving and Jacey was in the passengers seat. Abigail and Scout were in the very back.

I looked over at Jason to see him already looking at me in worry. I gave him a small smile that probably didn't reach my eyes.

I suddenly felt really tired. I leaned my head on Jason and soon felt myself falling asleep.

                    JASON'S POV

Claire soon fell asleep leaning on me. I smiled at her. She looked so peaceful but I knew better. She still blames herself for what happened to her dad.

I don't blame her. It was her dad's choice to save her. I'm actually kind of glad he did. If not then Claire would probably be......

I will be forever thankful for her dad. I just wished I could thank him. Now he's dead.


"Claire. Wake up." I heard but I just grumbled and snuggled closer to what I was leaning against.

I heard a chuckle. "Claire, come on." The voice said again hinted with humor.

I opened my eyes and found Jason looking at me in humor. I just rolled my eyes and got up.

I walked ahead of everybody not wanting them to worry about me. The memory of what I saw earlier flashes into my mind once again. I walked into the house and went straight to my room.

                   JASON'S POV
            (One week later.......)

Ever since we came back, Claire hasn't left her room. We let Scout in there a day after she went into her room but she wouldn't budge. Scout refused ti leave her so we brought food for both of them.

I knew Claire wasn't eating either. I always hear Scout whining when we bring them food. The look in his eyes showed everything.

I sighed and got up from the couch. I walked to the kitchen to see Baxter there making food for us all.

"Hey." I said and Baxter turned around. He smiled weakly at me before responding.


"Have you heard from Claire?" I asked and his face fell. He slowly shook his head.

"She still hasn't left her room. She isn't eating either." He mumbled.

"What are we going to do?" I heard Alex as he walked into the kitchen. We all sighed.

"I don't know. She won't even text us back." I said.

"She's blaming herself for this." Baxter said more than asked.

"It wasn't her fault though." Alex mumbled.

"You know what? I'm going to see if she wants to come down." I said firmly before going upstairs. I knocked on the door but there was no response. Not even a sound from Scout? I went in and froze.


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