The Death

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Claire had enough. E had her mother and she wasn't going to take that easily. She decided to meet E without her voice and powers.

She didn't care what happened to her as long as long as her mom was safe. What she didn't know is E already was expecting this and secretly brought a gun to their meeting.

E told Claire a story of her childhood. Claire finally found out E was her sister and...... she was planning on killing her.

                    ASHLEY'S POV

Cora told her drastic story to Claire leaving her confused. The secret was out now. Cora was her sister. Claire now knows.

It all happened so fast. Cora laughed lightly at Claire before raising her gun at her. My eyes widened. How did I not notice her grab that?!

Her finger was on the trigger and Claire just stood there. She glanced at me and mouthed I love you before she pulled the trigger.

"NO!" I shouted before running in the way of the bullet. I clutched my chest as soon as it hit me. I screamed out and fell to the floor.

                     CLAIRE'S POV

"NO!" I heard my mom shout as I closed my eyes and waited for the bullet to hit me. But it never came. Instead I heard a scream. Mom??

I opened my eyes and saw my mom on the ground clutching her chest. My eyes darted as I looked back at my sister. Her eyes were full of fear as she realized what she did. Her eyes flickered to me and she froze.

"Claire I didn't intend to do that! I swear!" She shouted at me as I took threatening steps toward her. I could visually see her shaking.

"Oh so you intended to hit me. How is that any better?!" I shouted at her and she hung her head down in shame. At least my voice is working again.

"Just because of the past doesn't mean you had to kill someone for revenge! That's sick!" I shouted at her, not  letting her speak.

I looked back over at my mom and saw her not moving at all. Oh no no no! I looked back to glare at Cora one last time but she was gone.

I ran over to my mom and checked her pulse. I couldn't find one anywhere. Ok don't panic Claire. Maybe you just can't find it. She's not dead. I tried to reassure myself even though I knew she was dead or just about dead.

I stood up in defeat. Now I have to go back without anyone seeing me. I froze when I felt my phone vibrate again. I tried to ignore it but it kept buzzing and buzzing.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked it. Oh my god. There were about a million calls and texts from Baxter, Jason, Alex and the girls.

My phone vibrated again and Baxter's contact came into view. I decided I had to answer.

"Hello?" I asked casually.

"Claire! Where are you?!" He shouted on the line.

"Oh geez calm down-" I tried to continue but then it felt like my throat closed in on me. I tried to talk again but the only thing that came out was a cough.

"Claire?" He asked again on the other line.

I stumbled, suddenly losing my balance. I was able to steady myself but I still couldn't talk. I started running when I heard a twig snap behind me.

After fire minutes, I realized that Baxter was still on the line. I heard footsteps and I froze.

"Where is she?!" I heard someone coming closer. I couldn't make out the voice but I knew it from somewhere. I decided to end the call on Baxter so he couldn't hear this anymore.

I looked around. What is with these alleyways?! I saw two familiar shadows come down the alley but I wasn't risking it in case it was someone bad.

I climbed up the fence and finally got the top. I glanced behind me to see they now saw me. Nope! I jumped down landing on my feet before sprinting away not letting those people get me if they were bad.

                     BAXTER'S POV

Jason and I continued walking around the cemetery where we knew where she would be. There was no sign of her. I looked at my phone to see that she was still on the line.

"Where is she?!" Jason asked Dad frustrated.

"Where is she?!" I heard on the line. My eyes widened before I muted myself.

"Dude she's nearby!" Jason looked at me confused.

"I just heard you voice on her line. She's got to be near!" I stated clearing it to him.

"Come on let's find her. Keep her on the line." He said before we continued to search.

I looked back at my phone. She hung up! My eyes widened. Now how are we going to find her?!

"Baxter! I think I found her!" He whispered yelled at me down an alley. I looked down it to see none other than Claire standing there.

"Oh thank god she's ok." I said.

"Wait is that blood on her?" I added.

"That is blood!" I said before staring my way over to her. Her eyes widened as she saw me approaching.

She jumped over the fence after climbing it. Me and Jason shared a look before climbing over it ourselves.

"Why is she running??" I asked frustrated when we could see her.

"It was a pretty dark alley. She probably didn't see it was us. We have no idea where she has been either." Jason said surprisingly calm.

Suddenly, an ear piercing scream echoed through every alley and street.

"Was that Claire??" I asked scared.

"It sounded exactly like her." He says while breaking into a sprint towards where it came from.

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