The News

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(No previously since nothing happened)
                       JASON'S POV
             (In the car to the hospital)

As soon as I saw Claire's eyes close, I panicked. I grabbed her and laid her on my lap in the car. Everybody was fully aware as to what was happening. I heard Baxter speaking on the phone with Ashley and I could hear how devastated she was hearing the news.

While in the car, Claire didn't move at all. No shifting, nothing. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't tell if she was alive if she isn't moving! I ckhevled her pulse from time to time but I could feel it slowing down by the second.

Five minutes away from the hospital.....

I checked her pulse again but didn't find one. I kept feeling around but to no avail. She wasn't breathing anymore!

"Alex! Speed right now! She stopped breathing!" I shouted and as soon as he heard me, the car accelerated as fast as it could.

I jumped out of the car when we got to the hospital and sprinted toward the doors. I shouted for help and they took Claire from me.

I paced....

And paced.....
And guess what?......


I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was her possible last words.

I- I love you.

She loves me. And there's nothing I can do now. I can't even tell her I love her too! There's nothing I can do but wait.

I had no idea what I was going to do if she never wakes up again. There's no way after those words will I be able to ever let her go. It'll be impossible!

I jumped when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, stopping my pacing. I looked up at Baxter and I could tell this was affecting him as well. His hair was a mess and he already has bags under his eyes.

I looked away, glancing back at the doors that lead to the emergency room where Claire is. I couldn't believe this has happened. Out of anyone, I would've never expected Claire to be the one fighting for her life by one bullet.

I suddenly heard sobs and I turned to see it was Jacey, Penelope and Abigail. They finally have arrived with Ashley. They were all crying knowing there's a huge chance she won't make it.

Nobody will be the same if Claire doesn't wake up.


I couldn't think straight. I couldn't think period. I couldn't do anything. My poor sister. She didn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve everything that has happened to her to happen but somehow she always came back. No matter what happened to her, she never gave up so easily.

I saw Claire say something to Jason before she closed her eyes but nobody but him knows what she said. I know I was something bad because he changed. His eyes lit up when she said it then went completely dull when she closed her eyes. His eyes filled with pure fear and panic when she stopped breathing in the car.

I so wanted to ask him but I didn't want to bother him. He looked like he was dead. He's been pacing for the hours we have been here. He surprised all of us when he spoke after hours of long silence.

"Do you guys want to know what her last words were before she closed her eyes?" He asked looking at all of us. I saw his tears coming up but he pushed them back down. We all nodded urging him to go on.

"She said she wasn't going to make it. But her last were I love you to me." He said and we all froze. She said I love you to Jason as her last words?! Clever girl. No wonder he's so upset!

We all stared at him wide eyed. His eyes were full of pain and we all knew this was killing him. Imagine the love of your life saying 'I love you' right before they close their eyes, slipping into the darkness.

Suddenly, the door opened and in came a doctor.

"Is anyone here for Claire?" As soon as he said that, we all jumped up.

"Dear god that's a lot." I heard the doctor mutter.

"Is anybody family?" He asked.

I raised my hand and so did my mom. We walked forward waiting for him to speak.

"I'm sorry, only family can hear." He said and I glanced at Jason. No way.

The all started to leave and I grabbed Jason's hand and pulled him back. He gave me a questioning look. I gave him a look that said 'Follow my lead' and he nodded still confused.

"Is he family?" The doctor asked.

"He's her boyfriend." I said and glanced at Jason.

"Alright. Well we managed to get the bullet out. It was very close to her heart. You guys are lucky to get here at the right time. The bullet was still moving and it could have hit her heart and killed her. Luckily, we got it out before it could. Now we just have to wait. Her life is in her hands." He said and walked back out.

I sighed in relief and I heard them sigh too. We thought it would be horrible news but our prayers have been answered.

"By the way, you guys to see her but only one person in at a time." The doctor's voice rang out again.

We all ran to her room after hearing that. I nodded my head toward the door to Jason telling him to go in. He shook his head and wanted me to go in. I rolled my eyes smiling as we continue this.

I shoved him into the room and he looked back at he through the window with his eyes full of amusement.

We all went in one by one and said our words to her begging her to wake up.

Claire's Bad Boy (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now