The Quiet Storm That is My Heart (Episode VII)

Start from the beginning

Tempted, Nani begins to make his way down but is stopped by a large hand. Naninatso turns around to see Maku.


Shikauhno is walking through the mirror maze using one hand to guide her. She thinks to herself, 'There has to be some kind of way to defeat her without a weapon.'

"Sarah, where are you going? What are you looking for?" A sing-song voice sounds from behind Shikauhno.

Shikauhno stops in her tracks, "That voice," she whispers to herself.

Shikauhno turns around, however nobody is standing behind her.

"Why don't you want to look at me Sarah? Do you hate me?"

"Lisa." Shikauhno comes to the realization; her countenance shifts from shock to pure wrath.

A feigned innocent giggle escapes S.O's mouth as she appears before Shikauhno. She is wearing a mask that resembles Shikauhno's foster sister, Lisa.

"Did you miss me?" S.O asks while fiddling with her fingers like a shy child.

Shikauhno's fists clench in anger and she runs towards her. Shikauhno attempts to jump kick her but S.O guards herself by crossing her forearms into an x-shape.

Shikauhno relentlessly throws punches, kicks, and elbows, left and right. All the while S.O effortlessly blocks.

Anger and frustration pulses through Shikauhno's body as she declares, "You're going to pay for all the hell you caused me!" Shikauhno's voice is thick with hatred and madness.

Shikauhno backs away and reevaluates 'Wait, what...what did I just say? This isn't Lisa I'm fighting. So why am I...why...what, what's wrong with me?'

Whilst distracted by her thoughts, a sword forms in S.O's hand and she thrusts it at Shikauhno's chest area.

Shikauhno quickly protects her heart with her hand and blocks. The sword pierces Shikauhno's hand. Despite being cut, Shikauhno tightens her grip around the blade.

S.O continues to exert force into the blade, trying to pierce Shikauhno's heart. Shikauhno resists.

Shikauhno manages to force the sword upward and turns the the blade away from her; she tackles S.O, forcibly backing her up into a mirror. The mirror falls on another mirror and other mirrors behind that one collapse like dominoes.

Incidentally, S.O releases the sword. As it falls to the ground it shatters and disappears.

S.O continuously strikes the top of Shikauhno's head with her elbow.

Shikauhno endures the hits and thinks, 'All I a weapon.' With her arms still around S.O, Shikauhno locks her hands together and tightens her grip around around S.O.

She begins to hoist herself and S.O up off the ground. Shikauhno groans as she slowly attempts to lift her Other off the ground.

After struggling, Shikauhno finally lifts her Other up and proceeds to slam her back into the mirror on the ground.

S.O lets out a pained cry and rolls over; glass shards are stuck in her back.

Shikauhno picks up a broken piece of the mirror and runs away.

She finds covering behind a large structure shaped like a cube. The cube's sides are mirrored. With her back against the cube's wall, Shikauhno uses the broken mirror piece to cut a part of her shirt into a cloth . Shikauhno proceeds to wrap the cloth around the shard for easier and safer handling.

Shikauhno sees her Other but it's just a reflection. She stalks the area, in search of Shikauhno.

Shikauhno continues to watch her Other through the reflection.

Shikauhno takes a minute to analyze her hand that was pierced. A piece of broken glass juts out from her palm. As Shikauhno removes and discards the glass, blood pumps from out the wound and Shikauhno holds it close to her chest , wincing in pain.

"So you wanna break glass huh?" A voice comes from above.

Shikauhno looks up and sees her Other now wearing a mask made to resemble Michelle. She leans over, crouched on top of the cube with her gazed fixed on Shikauhno.

Shikauhno's eyes widen in fear and surprise. She turns around and backs up with the shard wrapped in cloth still in her hand.

"Just like you broke my dishes huh Sarah?" S.O continues; she yells at the top of her lungs, "SARAH!"

As she shouts all of the surrounding mirrors begin to slowly crack and burst in an explosion of glass.

All of the shards fly towards Shikauhno.


The camera is close up on Naninatso's face, "It's risky..."

Saku assures, "In this case, risky is the only option we have." 

"Then tomorrow it is." Naninatso replies.

"If anything takes a detour, you know what to do." Saku directs her words to Maku and Naninatso.

They both nod in silent unison and Saku sucks on her straw.


To be continued...


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