TFP Soundwave x Reader

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A/n: prepare yourself for a roller-coaster of emotions and please read the notes at the end of the chapter. Thank u and enjoy!!

3rd p.o.v
As life goes on, we strive to do extraordinary things that can change our lives for the better. Advanced Technology coninues to rapidly grow each year. How far could technology travel to attrack intergalactic signals? Could it have a positive or negative effect. Whatever the outcome, how we interact is beyond fascination.

Your p.o.v
The soft glow of the luminous moon shined itself through your windows as you sat in front of the computer typing away. The time read 3 am but what you were working on was far more important than sleep. Your research could be a possible breakthrough for the Tech Science Federal Agency.(Totally made up btw) To put it briefly, you are a professional hacker. Anything from failed mutant experiments to government emails, it was your job to keep those documents from leaking to the public. The position paid fairly well and treated it's employees with respect. You laid back in your swivel seat and watched as the data sent itself into the the Agency's database. To any normal person, your work and the organization could give you a life sentence or maybe even death row. For the sake of science technology there must be brave individuals who are willing to put everything on the line.

Just then something peculiar happened.

The codes froze and glitched before the computer shut itself off. "What!" You sat up now aware of the situation. You Tried every possible way to get the computer back online but only ended in failure. "No no no, you were working perfectly fine! Why now!?" Before you could press another button, the screen lit up a crimson red. No white, no icons, no mouse curser just a blank red screen. One by one, pop up notifications filled up the desktop. As you looked closer the text wasn't English in fact, the text wasn't any known language at all! A purple triangular symbol appeared in the middle of the screen as the foreign text began coding. You watched in astonishment, soon realizing what was happening. It was downloading itself into your hard drive! It remained this way for 3 minutes until the computer shut off again and returned to the normal loading screen. You ran your fingers through your sleek hair as confusion was the only emotion at the moment. Not wasting a second, you quickly pulled the hard drive out of the monitor and stuffed it into your pocket. "That's enough weirdness for one night." Slipping under the coziness of your bed, you drift into a peaceful slumber. You successfully contacted extraterrestrial lifeforms. They'll be paying you a visit pretty soon...

Upon sunrise, rays of light emerged through the window sill and any object in it's path was struck with a beam of golden transparent yellow. You finished your daily morning routine and walked to the kitchen. As you passed by, you curiously stopped at the computer to find it was the exact same way you left it the previous night. The sense of cold rigid shivers ran down your back. Feeling the hard drive resting in your pocket, you took it out and examined it. It wasn't much of anything really, just a small rectangular device, however the information it held could give anyone nightmares as to what it could mean. Dismissing the thought rather quickly you shoved it back into the pocket and head out the door. The lightness of your (f/c) hoodie gently swayed with the breeze. Weather such as this was good for a day in the sun. As you walked further into the city, you pulled up your hood to avoid drawing any attention to yourself. Walking among the common people is highly dangerous to you and your job. The sound of jets blasted by as you looked towards the sky. (Totally rhymes) Each and every jet was placed in a triangular formation. It was normal for aircrafts to practice their flight skills every now and then. These particular ones seemed a bit odd. Far behind the others was a royal purple flighter jet. It was fairly slower than the rest and trailed behind them like a goose trying to keep up with it's flock. A soft smile made its way onto your lips as you watched with empathy. "Keep flying purplish jet. You'll make it eventually." With that in mind, you carried about your day. Returning home soon after, you carefully packed away your items in their proper places before sitting back at the computer again for a second attempt. Avoiding it is one thing, but as always work is work and needs to get done. Once the montior finished warming up you scanned all the data and  sent it off. Aside from your loud obnoxious typing, a faint clicking noise could be heard throughout the room. Your fingertips left the keyboard as you looked around to find nothing out of place. Before you could look back at the screen, two mechanical tendrils rapidly coiled around your body and suspended you in the air. It's grip had tightened the further you screamed and thrashed around. Still being held above the ground, your mind searched for every possible conclusion of how those things could've gotten in. A small light breeze blew through the room that came from the back door of the kitchen. Mentally slapping yourself for not locking it, both mechanical arms began to move. Like a timer, the tendrils retracted only to drag you along with them. It all happened so quickly that you were now seated in the cockpit of an unknown aircraft. Two leather straps held you in places as it's engine ignited. "Put me down! I didn't do anything wrong!" Your cries went unheard the further you left the ground. This isn't happening, it can't be happening. All that struggling had drained you of your energy the last thing you saw was a massive ship approaching.