TFP Optimus x Reader

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Bold and italics are your thoughts

3rd p.o.v

All was calm in the crisp cool morning of Jasper Navada. Citizens buzzing with commotion and friendly cheers that uplifted the small community. This time of year was the busiest as everyone rushed to seek warmth within their homes. The weather changed rapidly as all trees and plants shed their leaves to prepare for a long needed rest. Winter was the most excruciating yet breath taking season the earth had to offer. No place was safe from nature's cold grasp. Soft blankets of snow coated the ground and rooftops. Deep inside the autobot base, these intergalactic beings didn't have much of a reaction to the foreign temperature as much as their human allies did.

Your p.o.v

You, Jack, Miko and raph were seated around 4 small heaters with cups of hot chocolate in each of your hands. "Gosh why is it so coldddd!" The pink haired teen struggled to keep her drink steady as she shivered viciously. You laughed lightly and chucked a marshmallow that hit her square in the forehead. "Stop complaining, you make it seem like were in Antarctica. A little bad weather couldn't hurt." Miko let out the most dramatic whine as she slumped over your shoulder. You all laughed at her silliness. For the rest of day the four of you cracked terrible jokes and talked about any random topic that came to mind. Jack glanced upon his phone and stood up to stretch out his sore limbs from sitting down for a long time. "Welp it's about time we all head home." Raph and miko nooded in agreement as the 3 teens made their way home, leaving you all by yourself on the couch. Sighing softly, you closed your eyes and laid down with your back against the arm rest. Your mind wandered to this weeks past events. You were still new to this whole 'aliens on earth' concept. Stumbling upon the autobots wasn't something you saw yourself doing.

If only you didn't fall off your bike in front of a parked ambulance that faithful day.

"Stupid bike, stupid-" "are you going to start your voyage home (y/n)?" Hearing your name be called, you look up to meet the sight of the one who granted your stay here, Optimus Prime. Getting up slowly, you shuffled your way to the edge of the breezeway and leaned on the railing. "I don't exactly have a way to get there." The merciful leader directed his optics someplace else before returning his attention back towards you. "So it seems. I'll escort you home (y/n)." A shocked expression was wiped onto your face as you could not believe his suggestion. "But optimus, you're needed here at base." The two of you perked up at the voice that interrupted. Ratchet was facing away from his database for once in his life and addressed the prime in a frantic state. "You can't possibly watch over her while con activity has been going off the charts." "I can see your line of reasoning old friend but i assure you i am more than capable to care for (y/n). It is with best interest that i put aside my core values and take on this responsibility." While optimus was speaking ratchet had remained silent. The medic knew better than to go against the prime's judgment and he dare not to make the same mistake again. With a quiet nod, he returned his attention back to his screen and made nothing of it. Your gaze wandered back on optimus as his optics shined with kindness. "From this point onward, I'll be your guardian. I shall be held accountable if anything happens. Do you understand (y/n)?" Unable to form words, you nooded your head signaling that you understood. Optimus took your smile as a yes and not a moment pass he was in truck form. You rock climbed your way into the passenger seat and the two of you took off into the night. The drive to your home was peaceful to say the least. Once there, each of you gave your farewell's and parted ways. Tiredly moving up the stairs into your room, you fell face first into the softness of the pillows. Today was a really hectic day. As you lay awake only one thought ran through your mind. ' How did i manage to get caught up in all this? '


That single thought floated around in your mind for the entire day. It lingered there and made it so hard to concentrate on anything. Come lunch period you, miko, raph and jack were seated at your usual lunch table chatting about ordinary topics. "Are you guys ready to head to base after school?" Miko asked with excitement laced in her voice. "Sure am. Bee and i have a rematch to finish." Raph was next to speak up and flashed a bright smile. "Well, i have the day off so I'll have more time to hang with you guys." Jack put a hand behind his head as he grinned sheepishly. Although it looked like you were paying attention your mind was long gone.