knockout x reader

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I'm back from the dead to bring you a completed chapter!!

I apologize for the long haitus but I have returned. Basically how i was uploading wasn't working so i came up with new tactic. I bought myself a 5 subject notebook and shall be used for my stories only. That way i can write it on paper then type it out on here.

It's quicker for me to upload using this method and you guys get chapters more often. We both get positive benefits 😆

I would have had this out last week but since knockout is my absolute favorite mech, he deserves a full fledged fluffy/comical oneshot with you, dear reader.

Without further a do Let's jump into this chapter


3rd p.o.v

"Stop being so dramatic, it's only one small scratch."

You were an ordinary kid living an almost ordinary life. Struggling to survive the torture that is high school while dealing with morons isn't as easy as one might think it is. Dispite what others may say, you weren't bad but not exactly good either. Just in between with a hint of mischief and nice intentions. Did i happen to mention that your best friend is a mechanical being from a planet far greater than ours? How the two of you met was completely an accident but if it wasn't for said accident you would have boring just like everyone else. Whatever the situation may be whether it's stupidly amusing or dangerously horrendous both of you enjoyed each others company. Today will be no different.

Y/N p.o.v
It was officially Saturday which meant two whole days away from hell. What better way to start the day with a bomb-ass breakfast! Not wanting to waste too much time, you had prepared a small light meal. The last thing to top it off was coffee. (a/n: sorry if you don't like coffee but for the sake of this oneshot, you do) Once that was done you gently placed it beside the plate and took a couple steps back to admire your masterpiece. 'Another perfect breakfast y/n. You really outdid yourself.' Flipping your H/c hair away from your face in a calming way, you went to take a sip of your hot steaming beverage.  Before you could even put your lips to the cup a loud sound of a car horn blasted throughout the house, causing you to spill it all over your shirt, pants and the floor. Gasping from the unexpected noise, your skin burned from the scorching liquid.

"Aw com'on!! I just finished making that!!!"

Standing up in your now caffeine stained clothes, you trudged to the door to see what interrupted your peaceful morning. Having a good idea of who it was you stepped outside. Lord behold a sleek cherry red Aston Martin was parked in the driveway. You groaned in annoyance as you weren't mentally prepared for his excuse. He could see your form clearly with just a turn of his mirrors and what he saw made him laugh beyond belief.

"Was i interrupting something?" the mech's laughter rumbled out of his engine in a mixture of actual laughing and reving. "No knockout, i was taking a shower with coffee. What do you think!?!" As sarcastically your response was, the sight of your soaked clothes and pissed off attitude made him laugh harder. "I'm not apologizing for that, now get in fleshy!" The passenger door had opened, waiting for you to take a seat. "But I'm not-". You shut your mouth before finishing that thought. This mech is very difficult to work with and arguing would be pointless. With that you got in the seat and we set off to wherever KO had wanted to go. The entire car ride was filled with silence as neither of you spoke. Knockout was usually the one to start a conversation and run his mouth but this time was different. He was quiet... Knockout is Never quiet. The silence was so ear peircing, a pin could be dropped and heard a mile away. "So why are you not at the medbay?" The cybertronian's rear view mirror adjusted when your voice hit his audio receptors.