Starscream x Cybertronian Reader

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This one will be interesting ;)

3rd p.o.v
It has been stellar cycles since starscream had left the decepticon ranks. When the whole nemesis got word of the news it was a small but glorious celebration. To the warlord, it was nothing but a mere relief but to the troops including yourself, it was a major impact to finally rid of the nuisance that kept everyone on edge. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The cowardly mech had the nerve to waltz his way back into the ranks and took command as if he never left.

When starscream returned something else returned with him.

Your p.o.v
From a hard day of collecting energon and battling autobots it was finally time to turn in for the night. I had set my berth perfectly before a loud thump was heard at the door. I didn't have a chance to answer as the doors opened to reveal a very antsy knockout. Due to his assistants absence (*cough Death*cough) i was assigned by lord Megatron to not only be a Soldier but Knockout's medical asset as well. Both jobs were skillfully challenging but i manage it pretty well. I set down the sheets and followed knockout to the med bay where i was needed. When we got there the first thing my optics fell upon was a certain seeker with only one arm laying on the berth wearing a not so happy expression. The medic had placed a servo on my shoulder and gave smug grin "I'll let you handle this one y/n~" (a/n: damn i can hear the cockiness in this statement as i type :/ ) The narcissistic mech left to go work on some wounded vehicons. "Well don't just stand there you useless piece of scrap metal. My arm isn't going to attach itself." I let out a rather large vent for this will be a long night.

It was past work hours. Knockout was surprisingly kind enough to let me stay longer to finish up if i lockup afterwards. (Some teammate 😧) "Can you work any faster!? Some of us have important titles to uphold." I was almost tempted to shove the wrench into his faceplates for being a nuisance. "Well if someone wasn't complaining like a sparkling your arm would have been attached by now!"

The look on the mech's faceplate was beyond hilarious as if i dropped a major F bomb on him.

"I am your commanding officer! Do not talkback to a superior." I place the tool in my hand down on the table and took a few steps back. "You may be our commanding officer in front of lord Megatron, but here, off the battlefield, you command no one." By now starscream desperately attempted to yank off the restraints that held him to the table. I was quick to put him in stasis cuffs to calm his aft down while i try to at least get some work done. A couple of frustrating earth hours later, i finally and successfully re-attached his arm back into place. Removing the cuffs while waiting for the seeker to wake, i went to clean the tools and put them away correctly. Soft clicks and sounds of moving metal could be heard behind me. Upon inspection starscream was looking at his arm in bewilderment. " put my arm back." "It's a shame you had to be in stasis for me to do so." The mech stared a little while longer before getting off the birth and heading for the doors. While having my back turned being focused on something else i heard the words i never thought would come out of starscream's mouth. "Thank you."

The last few earth months have been absolute hell. Lord Megatron had put tight security on the ship, i was needed more in the med bay with knockout fixing all the wounded soldiers, an offlined autobot was brought back online which ended up to be a terrorcon. There was not one second i could take a break when each assignment was difficult from the previous one. My last encounter with the seeker seemed to only grow as he would always find an excuse to come chat with me. The whole war ship had certainly taken notice of this strange behavior but like always, did nothing to find what was causing it. As of now, we have gathered 3 keys with only 1 remaining. Megatron's patients had run thin today and wasn't going to take scrap from anyone. "Decepticons, while we are on the verge of reviving cybertron we are short but 1 key. I ask each and every one of you to terminate any autobot on site as they could be holding the final piece to our victory. Starscream's armada shall scout the mines with y/n to supervise, ensuring the mission shall not fail." While gearing up the warmonger roughly pulled on my shoulder plates, dangerous venom clouding his optics. " I expect results, I expect victory and mostly i expect total annihilation. If i don't receive what i expect then you can expect me to make you perish along with that arrogant seeker!!" With that being said he rudely shoved me through the groundbridge. Starscream standing there already looking annoyed as ever. "Get up you inconsistent fragger! These mines are too big to be wasting time." Slowly getting back on my peds while leaning on a rock for support, i carefully dust off all the dirt off my armor. "As i recall, lord Megatron said for me to supervise. Mining the energon is your job." "Well his lordship isn't here is he?" Seeing as this conversation will go nowhere, i decided to just go help the vehicons to speed up the mission. About halfway through, we were ambushed by autobots. Bright colors were flying everywhere as only one side can be victorious. The mech, driven by rage missed every single target on point. It was really frustrating trying to guide him while keeping autobots away from the energon we have already stored. I was able to take not one but 2 t-cogs from the two wheeler and the yellow pest when they were knocked unconscious. At least i got one good thing from this infiltration. Someone had completely missed their intended target and hit one of the loose rocks at the top of the cave. Now the whole mine was collapsing!! The autobots had already fled while we had less than a nano sec to get out. We didn't make it and now we were trapped within the walls of the mine. Thankfully, the raw energon had been completely untouched and no vehicon was hurt. Much to my dismay the seeker was trapped as well which meant a long agonizing period of non stop complaining. " Starscream if you would've shot directly at the autobots we wouldn't be stuck here!" "This was hardly my fault. You were the one who wasn't shooting at them." That's because i was keeping the energon safe from their grasp you idi-" i couldn't finish my sentence as i was slammed and pinned to the wall by the mech, optics looking much more red than before. His frame pushed up against and lips dangerously close to my own. before he could get any closer, he moved back and slapped me straight across the face. The blow was so forceful it threw me to the side. With the battle that occurred earlier plus the slap to the face, i was in no condition to fight back. the seeker pulled me onto his lap and hugged me from the waist while his helm rests on my shoulder. "I'm not as cruel as the others claim me to be. Acting tough is the best possible way to achieve what you desire. I had a lot of time to think things over during my absence. The night you put my arm back i realize not everyone will be against me." By now he was softly rubbing the spot where he slapped me. I finally realized what he was trying to say. Starscream was a broken mech and as cowardly as he could be, he still held the effort to show kindness. His servo latched onto mine and held me close. A groundbridge shortly arrived after that.

3rd p.o.v
About a year had past and the seeker's spark was slowly being put back together. He had changed dramatically and you couldn't be happier. He was no longer the cowardly mech from before but a new one. You became his personal medic and whenever lord Megatron unleashed his wrath upon him, you were there to fix him up. The two of you kept your secret behind closed doors so the crew wouldn't find out. Starscream would still hurt you only to keep his character in check then make up for it by lots of cuddles and undivided affection. There were nights where he got a little bit out of control ;) but treated you fairly. What a great accomplishment to fix a broken spark.

A/n: you're probably wondering where the hell I've been in the last couple of months. (in school dying) I'm here with a (very very super super late) chapter!!

I am so so so so so so sorry i haven't updated in forever. I try my hardest to make new chapters for you guys and i appreciate everyone sticking around dispite my long absences. Luckily have a week off of school (thanksgiving break) so I'm pushing myself to do nonstop chapters to make up for it. Hope you all had a awesome holloween and stay swifty!!

(Have a devilsh smirking starscream to top off this chapter ;P

(Have a devilsh smirking starscream to top off this chapter ;P

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