TFP Bumblebee x reader

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"No fair! You cheated again!"

3rd p.o.v
Sounds of laughter and screaming could be heard throughout the halls of the autobot base. You, raph and bee were playing video games since the rest of the team left on an energon search. While you and raph being the only ones who could understand the young scout, he hung out with the both of you most of the times. It made bee so happy that not only one but two humans were capable of comprehending cybertronian language. Although he wasn't your assigned guardian, bumblebee felt like he was responsible for you and would do everything in his power to ensure your safety as well as raph's.

Your p.o.v
Raph won the race for the tenth time in a row. Sometimes i wonder how he was able to be so good at games. "Dang it raph, your gonna blow up the scoreboards if you keep winning." The twelve year old boy let out a chuckle at my comment. "You just have to practice y/n. You're not gonna get better if you don't practice." Just then whirrs and beeps could be heard from behind us.

"See, even bee agrees."

"Alright, alright i see your point but you don't need practice to win." Since raph was distracted, i crossed the finish line easily claiming victory. "No fair! You cheated!" Bee made sounds of disapproval and gently nudged me with his digit as if knowing i cheated. "Oh hush bee, i only cheated once. It's not gonna hurt anyone." "Aha! So you did cheat!" I placed a finger to raph's face. "Silence mah child." By now the three of us were laughing at our silliness. It's not very often we get to sit down and enjoy ourselves with decepticon activity running around.

"That looks like fun! Can we play with you guys!!" Miko and jack came over and took a seat on the couch. "Sure! The next round is about to start anyways." Me and raph handed them the controllers  and sat off to the side. I remembered that i had to get something from my bag and excused myself from the group. "Hey guys i have to get something from my backpack. Be right back." I got off the couch and ran to get my bag that was at the bottom of the stairs. When i got there bee was kneeling on one ped, lowering himself to my hight. "Oh hey bee, what's up?" I could sense a feeling of uneasiness within in the yellow Camaro. His optics were looking everywhere except me. "Is there something you want to tell me bee?" Just as he was about to answer my question, the sound of the groundbridge rang signaling that the team was back from their mission. "Sorry bee it'll have to wait." Me and the others ran to go greet the team upon their return.

"Autobots, we have successfully contained two of the omga keys. The decepticons still possess the other half. I advise you to stay vigilant and keep your guards up. Arcee, bulkhead and bumblebee you may return the humans home safely." Everyone had split up and went to their assigned guardians. Looking back at bee, a sad expression lined his faceplate as he was going to tell me something important. "Don't worry bee, you can tell me tomorrow." I walked over to my guardian which was smokescreen. We then started the long journey home.

(Timeskip to next day)

3rd p.o.v
Upon entering the base with smokescreen, you could hear familiar beeps and the voice of raph. Only making out small words like  tell... okay... and maybe .The white race car let you out then transformed to his bipedal mode and walked off to join the others. You quickly ran and gave raph a Surprise hug attack, catching him off guard. "Ahhh-oh it's just you y/n. Gave me quite the scare." You set him back down and laughed a little. "I'm not a kiddnapper raph. It's me y/n! Your best friend."

The kid playfully punched your shoulder in annoyance. "Well you could be." "Whatever you say raph." You glanced up, seeing scout standing there with a genuine smile. "How's it going bee?" He gave a delightful sound in which gave off a happy vibe. "You ready to lose again raph?" He gave a look of determination and threw his fists into the air. "You're so on y/n!"

"Last one to the couch has to take ratchet's wrenches!"

The two of you began trying to outrun eachother, laughter echoing the base.

(Le nother timeskip)

2 hours of intense gaming had gone by. The three of you having a blast attempting to out win eachother. You and raph were tied forty eight to forty eight. The finish line was just within reach. "Prepare to lose once again raph." " haha Not this time y/n." The twelve year old boy looked in astonishment as your car passed end point. "Aw man. Welp y/n, you won fair and square." He held his hand out for a victory handshake. You calmly took his hand and gave a respecting shake. After you let go, Optimus walked over with a neutral expression like always. "Bumblebee, smokescreen will not be eligible to take his charge home. I ask that you take y/n home in his absence." The Camaro was quick to agree while trying to maintain a collective posture in front of the prime. Before he could turn to his alt mode Optimus place a servo on bee's shoulder plate while wearing a small smile. "Speak with your spark, not with your mind bumblebee." As if knowing what he was talking about bee nodded and switched to his vehicle mode.

The drive to yours and raph's house was enjoyable to say the least. Cracking jokes here and there but all good things must come to an end. Bee stopped at raph's house and both of you bid him goodnight. You arrived at your own home but before you could step out the door shut and locked itself. "Bee what are you doing?"

There it was. The perfect moment to tell you everything that has been going on. Beeps and whirrs came from the radio. He told you everything. To secretly talking with raph, to him and Optimus private chat. Even the reason why he had been so nervous earlier.
After he finished his confession, a smile and a blush bloomed on your face. Who would have thought a cybertronian life form caught feelings for a human being. The feeling was breathtaking. You place a hand on bee's dashboard. "I like you too." And with that you stepped out of the car and entered your home. From your bedroom window you could hear an engine reving and loud car honks in accomplishment.

Never have you been so happy.

Never have you been so happy

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