9. The Date Part 2

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[Ben's POV]

 I dove back into the water to the picnic spot, the crystal rock in my hand, to find Mal in the water, struggling for air. I scooped her up in my arms and propped her up on the floor of the picnic place.

"Where were you?!" she gave extremely annoyed glance, shivering.

"I was diving. By the way, I found this rock. Make a wish and throw it back."

[Mal's POV]

As he took his letter man jacket from the floor, I quickly palmed the rock and threw a plain black one in it's place. I didn't know exactly why I did that, but I just did. Ben wrapped his jacket around me and handed me a strawberry. Typical Ben. I munched on the strawberry.

"So, how exactly can you not know how to swim?" he asked.

"I just never got around to trying it. It's tough being the offspring of the King and Queen o Auradon. Let alone being the heir to the throne."I said, offended, "Now how do you know how to swim?"

"I live on an Isle, remember?"

"An Isle with a magical barrier!"

"There are some places on the Isle with water. Though the water was dirty and mucky unlike this stuff." he waved a hand to the direction of the Enchanted Lake, "We only swam when there was a castle with a drawbridge, and they had something we wanted."

"Okay. Just remember, no mentioning this in front of other Auradonians."

"You got it."

"Now, how is it like being Maleficent's son?"

"Pretty good. I usually don't even have to steal. They hand it over right away."

"So, no drawbacks?"

"Not one." he said, "You?"

"It used to be hard, setting an example for other people older than you, you know? But I guess, over time, it starts to become easier and you become used to the public's eye." I said.

Ben absentmindedly reached over and patted my hand. It was kind of nice. Until Ben realised what he was doing and removed his hand.

[Ben's POV]

I looked at the watch Lonnie swiped for me recently, and saw that it was pretty late.

"We should head back soon. People will start wondering." I said. She nodded and starting packing up. I followed, but I felt a sort of longing to stay there at the Enchanted Lake with Mal. We packed up the stuff and carefully placed it in the compartment of my Vespa. I climbed onto my scooter and helped Mal on behind me. I adjusted the straps on her helmet and told her to hang on. I started the engine and we sped off back to Auradon Prep. The date was sort of nice. Nobody had this on the Isle. We arrived at Auradon Prep, just as the school gate began to close. I helped her off and took off my helmet. I looked at Mal and saw that the buckle on her helmet was caught, and so I helped her unhook it. I placed the helmets on the seat of the Vespa and walked Mal to her dorm in silence.

"I had a great time today." she said as we reached her dorm.

"Me too." I said. She started to go inside her dorm, when she paused.

"Tomorrow is Family Day. Remember to wear a suit."

"Don't worry. I will." I gave her a slight smile and walked back to my dorm. When I walked into my room, I saw that Doug was waiting for me.

"So." he said.

"So." I replied curtly.

"You went on a date. With a princess. Without telling me. Name 3 things that are wrong in this situation." Doug made me sit down as he walked over to the lamp and shined it onto my face.

"Erm.. I went on a date with a princess without tell-"

"Exactly!" he interrupted. "I was meant to be with a princess! My mom is the Evil Queen for Lucifer's sake! Queen! Queen! Do you hear that? QUEEN!" he was nearly screaming now.

"Oh, like you haven't taken a liking to Evie." I scoffed.

Doug reddened and swatted me on the shoulder. He stormed over to his bed and sat down, pouting like a little boy. The door swung open with a bang and Lonnie and Jane stormed in.

"So, how is this going to go down?" Lonnie asked.

[Ma's POV]

I was bombarded with questions from Evie, Uma, Harry, and Gil, the second I stepped into my room.

"Why were you out with Ben?"

"Where were you?"

"What happened?"

"Why is your hair so messy?" guess who said the last one? Evie.

"We were on a scooter, and my hair got squashed because of the helmet." I rolled my eyes.

"We have to fix this." she grabbed a comb and started attacking the ball of hair on my head.

"I went out with Ben."

How was the chapter? Please tell me what you think 😉


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