1. First Proclamation

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[Mal's POV]

I stood in front of Belle and Beast. In other words, my parents. I was going to be crowned Queen soon, so might as well tell them now.

"Mother. Father."

"Mal." my mother smiled at me.

"I have chosen my first official proclamation, and I've decided that the children living on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live and study here at Auredon Prep." I bit my lip nervously. I knew my dad had them all banished to the Isle years ago, but really? Their children included?

"What?!" my dad almost yelled.

"I gave you a chance, you should give them a chance as well." my mom stared down my dad even though he was way taller than my mom.

"Who are their parents?" my dad asked me more calmly. Evie, my best friend chose this moment to storm in and ask me about the dress she designed for me.

"Hey M, check out this dress I made." she held up a purple gown and grinned, not noticing the tension in the room.

"Who are their parents?" my dad repeated, ignoring Evie.

"Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and-" I paused, "Maleficent."

Evie dropped the dress on the floor and my dad's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"They are the worst villains in all of the lands!"

"Dad, hear me out-"

"I won't. They are guilty of unmentionable crimes! This is not-"

"Their children are innocent, dad!" I interrupted him.

He looked away and thought this over.

"I suppose they are." he murmured. I smiled widely and excused myself from the room.

[Ben's POV]

I shook my can of blue spray paint and started spray-painting one of the few walls on the Isle that didn't have the tag. It was a blue misty background with a black silhouette of my mother. It said the words, 'Long Live Evil', on the back of my mother's cape. Who wouldn't be proud, if Maleficent was their mother? Well, I knew I was. Lonnie waved at me from a roof and climbed down the ladder towards one of her tags. It was quite similar to my tag but instead of the silhouette of Maleficent, it was the silhouette of Jafar with smoke billowing from a magic teapot. Her hair was long and reached halfway across her back. She wasn't exactly my friend. It was the Isle after all. No one had friends, only allies. I ran forward to meet her. I saw Jane climb out the window of a small shack. I grinned at her and motioned her to join me and Lonnie. She had long white streaks in her dark hair, quite alike her mother, Cruella De Vil. I looked ahead and saw Doug in front of me. He was the son of Evil Queen and had dark blue dyed hair. His hair was messy like everyone else's. Though he was the scrawny one of the bunch, he was still quite tall and strong. (A/N: Doug doesn't have glasses in this fanfic cause he lives on the Isle and no one watches TV or reads books) He jumped up on a long table where the lower class of the Isle were eating. Yes, there was a higher and lower class in the Isle. It depended on how evil your or your parents' deeds were. My mother's Maleficent. The ruler of the Isle. I don't even have to steal. They just give me what I want. The four of us gathered at the marketplace and started grabbing whatever we wanted. At the corner of my eye, I saw Jane jump onto a wheelbarrow and Lonnie rubbing a teapot. Doug climbed to the second floor of a large shack filled with cots and people sleeping on them. I followed him and purposefully tried to stomp every single person in the way, disturbing their sleep. When we were all done taking our daily loot, I motioned the others towards the town square. I took a lollipop from a baby a stashed it in my pocket, the stick poking out. We all started dancing, no reason whatsoever. A crowd gathered around us and watched the whole affair. I admit, the dancing was pretty descent. We didn't have a choreographer living on the Isle. Suddenly, the mob of people all looked behind us and scurried away. It was quite funny to watch villains scurry, though that happens all the time when I'm around. Loud and heavy footsteps were heard and I turned around to see who it was. My mother's knuckleheads, no seriously, they were called knuckleheads. A familiar pair of arms pushed them apart and two purple horns appeared.

"Hello, son. Stealing candy? I'm so disappointed." Maleficent shot me a scolding glance.

"It was from a baby." I argued.

"That's my boy." she took the lollipop and spat on it. My mother gave it to the knuckleheads to return it to the baby, but not before putting it under her armpit and smirking.

"Give it back to the dreadful creature." she told them, "When I was your age, pumpkin, I was cursing entire kingdoms."

I rolled my eyes. She had given me the speech at least fifty times a day.

"Ah, right. I forgot. You four, have been chosen to go study at Auradon Prep."

I stared at her. I heard Jane trying to run away but was blocked by the taller knucklehead.

"I don't want to go study at some pathetic, fancy prince school. I'm a Dragon Hall kind of person." I whined.

"You're thinking small, kiddo. That's where Fairy Godmother's wand is. When you take away the barrier, Auredon will be ours!" she cackled.

"I won't wear any uniform." Lonnie said in disgust, "Unless it's leather. Leather's cool."

"There's dogs in Auredon." Jane whispered.

"Perfect castles and princesses." Doug smiled happily. I glared at him.

"Eww." he said, giving me a quick glance.

"Come on, follow me." Maleficent gestured towards the meeting room of our parents. Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella De Vil were all seated around a large table. After a long chat about whether or not we were going to Auredon, a rumble of an engine came from down below.

"Don't blow this, kiddo." Maleficent warned me.

Hi guys! As I said before, this is my first time posting what I wrote. 

Tell me what you think! 😉


Welcome to Auradon (Twisted Fate Series) [Descendants Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora