2. Arrival

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[Mal's POV]

I stood nervously in front of the gate with Fairy Godmother standing near me. I was wearing a short purple dress with a necklace Harry gave me a few days back. A long, black limo pulled up by the gateway of Auradon Prep. Harry appeared beside me and gave me a side hug. The driver opened the door and two boys with chocolate covered mouths tumbled out of the limo, and when I say tumbled, I mean tumbled. They had their arms around bowls of chocolate and candy from the back of the car and I giggled at the sight. Two girls came out after them. They were all clad in multi-coloured leather jackets and had dyed hair. The girl with partially dyed hair whispered something at the boys and they all straightened themselves out.

"Hi everyone. I'm Mal." I said nervously.

"Princess Mal." Harry corrected me.

"This is my friend, Harry. And that is Fairy Godmother."

"Boyfriend." he corrected me once again.

"Fairy Godmother, as in bibbidi bobbidi boo?" the tall boy with a beanie over his blue hair said.

"Bibbidi bobbidi you know it!" she smiled brightly, "And leave the chocolate where you found it boys."

They threw the bowls back into the limo and stood ramrod straight. I held out a hand for them to shake. Evie walked up to me and introduced herself to the new kids.

"Hi, I'm Evie. Daughter of Dopey." she looked at Doug cautiously. We all shook hands and they introduced themselves.

"Jane, daughter of Cruella."

"Lonnie, daughter of Jafar."

"Doug, son of Evil Queen."

When it was Ben's turn to shake mine, he stared straight into my eyes for a few seconds.

"Ben, son of Maleficent." he said. I smiled at him and he smiled right back at me. Harry looked at both of us and lightly tugged my arm that Ben was holding on to.

"It's time our two people begin to heal."

"Or the time you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are." Ben smiled mockingly at me.

"A little over the top."

"Yea. Just a bit."

"Let the tour begin!" Harry said over dramatically. I giggled and started towards the school. When we passed the statue of my father, I smirked inwardly and clapped my hands twice. The human statue morphed into a beast and Jane leaped into Doug's arms in fright. I looked back and tried to stifle a laugh.

"My father had it made to remind us that anything was possible."

"Does he shed much?" Ben questioned me.

"Yea, Mom doesn't let him on the couch." I said, humouring him. I turned and saw Harry holding the door open for me like a true gentlemen. I showed them to their dorms and left with Harry and Evie on my heels.

"Did I choose the right people?" I asked Evie worriedly.

"Don't worry. They're perfect." she gave me a small smile.

[Ben's POV]

I kicked open the door and found a large room with a gigantic TV screen and shelves filled with books. The curtains were drawn open and the light almost blinded me.

"Ugh. Doug." I motioned for him to close the curtains. There was a quiet knock at the door. I swung the door open and found Mal standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Mal." I gave her my trademark wolfish grin.

"Hi, Ben." she blushed, "I forgot to tell you. Meal times are 7:30AM, 3:30PM, and 8:30PM."

"Hold on, let me write that down." I picked up a random piece of scrap paper on the desk and a pen and promptly wrote it down while repeating what I wrote.

"7:30AM.... 3:30PM.. 8:30PM. That right?" I asked.

"Yea. Well, see ya." she flashed a smile at me and slid out the door.

"Bye." I called. I turned to Doug.

"Get the others in here." I said.

"Got it." he hurried out the door as I flopped down on the bed, my eyes glowing green. I shut them for a few moments, or at least until the others hurried into our room to discuss.

[Mal's POV]

All of us were inside the dorm I shared with Evie. Harry sat next to me on my bed with his arm around me as usual. Evie was sitting on the bean bag with Jay sitting next to her. Carlos was stroking Dude's fur absentmindedly while staring outside the window.

"What do you think about the villain kids?" Carlos spoke up.

"They're cool." Evie mumbled.

"They're trouble, Mal. Did you see their hair? Their clothes?" Harry looked down at me.

"They deserve a chance, Harry." I leaned in and touched my forehead with his.

"I suppose so." he murmured.

"Let's go grab some lunch guys. I'm hungry." Jay said. We nodded in agreement and filed out the door.

"You guys go first, I've got to head to the library and get some stuff for my history project." I said. They nodded once again and I trudged off to the library, lost in thought. That was, until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey. Do you know where the Tourney field is?" Ben asked.

"Oh yea, you want me to bring you there?"

"That'd be awesome. Thanks, Mal."

I started out towards the Tourney field, gesturing to points of interest.

"That's the library, the Fairy Godmother's office, oh and that's where the Remedial Goodness 101 lecture hall is." I said.

"That's the field. See ya." I said.

"You too." Ben replied.

Someone waved a hand in front of me.

"Earth to Mal." the person said.

"What, Harry?" I snapped.

"Hey, I just thought you might have gotten lost or something and I came to find you." he said, looking hurt.

"I'm sorry. Let's go."

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