6. Auradon Prep Part 3

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[Ben's POV]

When the three of us finally made it out of the bush, and trust me, it took quite a while, Mal and Evie went off while I immediately got bombarded by guys and girls both, telling me to use my magic on them. I sprinted to my dorm and shut the door behind me, only to find Jay, Carlos, and Doug in me and Doug's room. I flopped down on my bed.

"Now, what?" I groaned.

"I know you probably hate us, but could you use your magic on him? In exchange, we could give you the official tourney tactic book." Carlos said.

I opened my mouth to answer when Doug spoke. "Deal." he piped up. "Jay, we first need to chop off that hideous strand of hair and-"

"I want it cool." I think it was the first time I ever heard him talk. "Like your's." I shrugged and leafed through my spell book. "Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." Jay still had long hair, but there was streaks of a colour that was a fair blend of yellow and red in his hair.

"It's awful." Doug said. "I could help you get rid of it. Though you're gonna have to-"

"I like it. Thanks, Ben."

"You're welcome? Oh, and how did it go with your mom?"

"She says that the right girl will see that I am perfect just the way I am." Carlos said sarcastically, "Now, I'm never going to get a girlfriend."

"Well, girlfriends, are overrated. No one needs a significant other." I rolled my eyes.

"Right, I need to finish Uma's homework!" Doug yelped.

"See what I mean? Now, shoo. Got stuff to do, places to be." I managed to shove both Carlos and Jay outside successfully, just as two human beings stormed inside our room. I groaned, yet again.

"What do you want?"

"I want the wand, genius." A voice I knew to well said. Lonnie.

"Oh, hi. I thought you were one of the Auradonians." Lonnie laughed. "Never."

"You got a plan, guys?" I questioned them.

"Not exa-" Doug said. A knock at the door interrupted our conversation. I stood up and got the door.

"Hey." it was Mal.

"Hey. Oh right, there's this rumour going around school that all of us are going to your coronation?"

"That's right. I'm going to be queen." she said, the last bit sarcastically.

"So, could you get the four of us a spot in the front just so we could, you know, soak up all that goodness?" I asked. She looked like she wanted to say yes, but unfortunately, that was not the case.

"Sorry, only my folks, Fairy Godmother, my boyfriend, and I, are allowed to be in the front."

"Boyfriend, so you say?" I looked at her in askance.


"Okay, thanks bye." I shut the door quickly and turned to the others. "I think it's time 'M', gets herself a new boyfriend."

They grinned, and Jane tossed me my spell book.

"By the way, Doug, how did you know all that make up and hair stuff?" I looked up at him.

"Oh, please. My mom taught me how to do the stuff before I could even crawl. And on top of that, Chad Hook used to come to the Castle Across the Way to get me to do his guy liner, so I had practice." Doug said smugly.

I slugged him in the arm and got him to find the girls and get them to the kitchen at midnight.


Harry, Uma, and Gil all crowd around me as my parents pour over the details of my coronation.

"So, you're going to ride in a chariot with," Beast, my dad, made a not-so-subtle look of disgust, "your boyfriend, Harry."

"Okay." I said, pretending I didn't see it.

"Then, he will get leaded away to the front, using a backdoor, while you walk down the aisle." Belle explained.

"Okay. Is there anything else?"

"Right, there's an after party, you know, after the coronation." Beast cleared his throat. "You're going to do a great job leading Auradon, Mal." I gave dad a weak smile and excused myself.  I fired up the engine on my scooter and strapped the helmet on to my head. I drove quickly to the Enchanted Lake and sat there for a while. I would have gotten Harry to come with me, but he wasn't really the guy that would listen to you talk and give you the perfect responses every time. In fact, it was hard talking to him about anything except for the very few topics of tourney, pizza, and his hate for Maleficent. It gets boring after a while. I heard a branch snap and just as I turned around, a head popped out of the bushes.

"Ben! Don't do that!" I yelped.

"Do what?" he said innocently.

"What are you doing here?"

"Some of us went into the woods, also known as, Jay, Carlos, Doug, Gil, and I, were playing tourney out here, and-"

"Why out here? Sorry for interrupting, but, why?" it was rare people venture out into the woods in groups less than ten. Then again, I came into the woods myself.

"We lost the ball. Speaking of which, did you see a tourney ball soar over you?" he questioned,

"Nope. And, Ben?"


"Please, please, please, remember if next time you see me alone, don't interrupt my thoughts."

Hey guys! Please continue reading! Tell me what you think about the story so far!


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