7. Love Spell Cookies

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[Ben's POV]

"Okay, you've gotten the stuff already right?" I glanced at each of them. It was midnight, and we were in the kitchen baking cookies. Love spelled cookies, that is.

"We just need a human tear of emotion." Jane said.

"Why can't we just chop an onion in half and hold it underneath someone's nose?" Lonnie asked?

"Because, firstly, this spell gets the best reviews, and we have to do it exactly like it says." Doug explained, "plus, a tear of emotion produces more enzymes than one of..."

I concentrated on mixing the batter, just as Jay walked in and stuck his finger into the bowl.

"No!" we all screamed.

"What? I'm not gonna double dip." he gave us all a questioning glance. Lonnie went up to him and leaned on one of the metal racks.

"Hey there." Lonnie said, flashing a smile. Jay stared at her, and after a long, quiet wait, Jay spoke up.

"Could use chips." he climbed over the table, opened the fridge, and took a bag of chocolate chips out. I stopped him.

"And, what exactly is that chip thing?" I questioned him.

"Chocolate chips. The most important part of the cookie." he explained. We casted him curious glances, which made him prod further.

"What, didn't your mom's make you cookies? You know, when you lose an important game of tourney, or when you failed an important test?" We shook our heads slightly. "I thought even former villains love their children."

A tear fell from his eye and I brushed it away, flicking it into the dough surreptitiously. Doug, Lonnie, and Jane shooed Jay out. I started mixing the dough furiously, as though the free lives of people depended on it. Frankly, it did. I read out a passage from my spell book, and Jane lifted the tray and shoved it inside the oven. Lonnie set the timer. Me and Doug left for our room and left the girls in charge of the cookies.

[Mal's POV]

I stuffed my books into my locker and grabbed my sign with 'The Fighting Knights' scrawled in flashy purple handwriting. My boyfriend Harry and Uma went off to prep for the big game today, which the entire school was attending. I shut my locker and caught a glimpse of someone wearing a shaggy blue leather jacket. I smiled and faced towards him.

"Hey, 'M'." he mocked Harry.

I laughed and pointed at the bag. "What's that?"

"A chocolate chip cookie. I made one for all the nice people in Auradon. Want one?"

"No thanks. Nobody, and I mean nobody, eats before a big game. Especially if we're playing against the Dragoneers."

"Oh, I get it. You're cautious. I totally understand. I bet every kid was taught to never accept candy from children of villains, before we came. It's cool, Mal. More for me I guess." Ben held the cookie up to his mouth, but I stopped him. I took the cookie from his hand and bit into it.

"See? Trust you completely." I said. The cookie tasted extremely sweet, yet there was a strange touch to the cookie that made it taste like a piece of heaven. I felt strange, as I took another bite of the cookie. Lonnie swatted the cookie back into the bag, and Jane stared at me, as I stared at Ben.

"How do you feel?" Lonnie draped an arm over me as I continued staring at Ben and mumbling random words. I finally managed to say a few sentences, before the game.

"I feel like singing your name. Ben!" I sung.

Jane slapped a hand over my mouth as the four of them brought me to the field, just as the game was starting.

Jane and Lonnie pulled me up the bleachers, whilst Ben and Doug ran down to the field. They had somehow managed to change into their tourney jerseys in record time. The game started, just as Gil, the son of King Arthur, was called off the field and was replaced by Doug. The game started with the blow of a whistle. I wasn't really paying attention. The final whistle blew. The Fighting Knights had won, I was feeling strange, like a spell was cast on me. I had barely noticed when I stumbled down the stairs to Ben, and starting singing a ridiculous love song. Literally. Evie was clapping, and grinning. It was quite embarrassing. Ben was a few meters away when I finished singing and he threw me his jersey. As we made our way up the bleachers, Harry blocked our path and kissed Uma right in front of me. I didn't care the least.

"Uma is my date to the coronation!" he yelled into the mic. In the background, I saw Doug give a hurtful look to Uma.

"Ben, will you go to the coronation with me?" I smiled at him.

"Yes." he smiled right back at me.

[Doug's POV]

I walked right up to Evie, who was sitting alone and studying. I waved my B+ in front of her.

"Wow! See, I knew you could do it!" Evie grinned, which made me weak at my knees.

"Yea, me neither. Um, would you like to study together sometime?" I could imagine Ben's voice saying in a sarcastic tone, Wow. Studying, is it like, the best way to ask someone out? 

"Sure." her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"See you soon?"


I starting running towards my dorm, as someone tackled me from the side. Literally,

"Doug." Typical Ben.


"I don't know how this girlfriend-boyfriend thing works. What do I do?"

"Erm.. ask her out on a date..?" I squinted.

"Okay. Nice going, bro."

He jogged away to launch phase I-don't-know of plan I-don't-know. Terrific, just terrific.

Hi guys! How is the book? By the way, I just watched 101 Dalmatians the Disney Classic Live-Action film. It was amazing. The animations were crap, as you would expect, but I recommend EVERYONE WATCH IT! Sorry, i'm obsessed with it 🤣.


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