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-(y/n)'s POV-

     TODAY IS THE DAY! THE DAY MY BEST FRIEND COMES BACK TO LIFE! My god I think I'm annoying everyone. "Jack. Can you let go of my shoulders now." He sighs "Well ever since Slender came in and said he is bringing Christina back you have been running everywhere annoying everyone. So no. Not until you calm down." I giggle. "Pleasseeee jack! I promise I'll behave!" This causes the Eyeless man to think. "Ok. But on one condition." "What's tha-" I never realized that jack moved his mask and place his lips on mine. Me being surprised at first start kissing him back.

     "Ok now I'll let you go." He smirks putting his mask back down releasing you from his grip. "R-really!" "Yes sweet cheeks. Now let's go to Slenders. He should be finishing up by now." I nod grabbing his hand running down the hall.

     I knock 3 times on the door "come in Children." We both enter quickly. "Hey slendy. How's her transformation going!" "Child. Please stop calling me that. And it's going good. Her body is perfect so it was an easy change. She should wake up in a couple of hours." I nod and begin jumping. Jack soon picked me up to stop the constant banging noise I made on the floor. "Bae! Put me down and let meh jump!" Jack sighs. "How much cups of coffee have you had today." I laugh hysterically "18!" I can tell Jack was regretting telling me about the coffee machine they had.

     Jack and I exit Slenders office and head downstairs to see BEN LJ laughing Jill Cry and the puppeteer all playing COD. "Who's winning?" Cry and LJ say "who do you think. The link look alike." I laugh "YEAH! WHOOO GO BEN!" My hyper ness causing almost everyone to laugh. "Yea yea. Thanks (y/n)" BEN smirks softly as he kills the puppeteer. "UGH BEN YOU FUCKING CHEATER! You suck!" We all laugh only I'm on the floor dying.

     I wipe away my tears and stand back up only to notice Clockworks and Jeff at the top of the stairs staring at me. Jack quickly noticed and pulled me close to him. This caused BEN to pause the whole game and give the two a deathly stare. I just look around in confusion as everyone stops and stares at Jeff and CW. "Um? What's going on?" You ask looking up at Jack. He growls and looks back down at you. "Nothing baby. Let's just get back to the game guys." They all nod and continue playing.


     It's time! Slender has brought Christina downstairs as she starts waking up. "It's time oh my god! I can't believe it. I get my bestie back" I cry tears of joy as jack intertwines our fingers together. I'm basically squeezing as I jump up and down.

     "U-ugh where. Where am I?" I scream "CHRISTINA!! OMG I FUCKING MISSED YOU!" I hugged her as she hugged back "(y/n)? Why are you here. And where is here?" I pull away "this is Slender mansion. Your a creepypasta now!" Jack puts his arm around my shoulder. Christina just stares in awe. "W-what! GIRL WHEN YOU GET A GUY!" I giggle. "Christina this is Jack. Jack Christina. Oh and also. This is your new family." She looks down. "I remember. I got killed. Walking home from hanging out with a new friend." My smile disappeared. "Yes Chris. I know. It hurt to know I lost you. But now you're back."

     After everyone gets done introducing themselves to my friend I tell her about all the others that are on missions. "There is Toby. Masky. Hoodie. Jason. And Mochi." Her smile quickly drops as she starts shaking. "What? Chris. What's wrong?" "M-Mochi the s-slayer right." I nod confused. "Yea that's her. You know her or something?" She starts crying "(y/n), Mochi killed me. I remember her telling me she wanted to fix me. I tried running but she was to fast."

     I shake my head. "Mochi wouldn't kill anyone close to the pasta family." "Well she killed me. Now please let's get off this subject." I nod as jack comes back in the room holding two bowls of ice cream. "Here ya go ladies. I thought you guys would like some after talking for a bit." We both smile and quickly eat up. "ACK BRAIN FREEZE!" Chris yells "haha! I never get th- OWW DAMN IT!" Jack chuckles at us holding our heads. "Hm that's what you ladies get for eating to fast." I smile. "Jack babe help me!" I reach my arms out for a hug. "HUG MEEEEEE" I yell in a low voice causing jack to jump and quickly hug me. I laugh hugging him tightly. "AWWW! You two are to cute! That's relationship goals right there!" I giggle. "Chris. I think you would get along great with Toby." I smirk "oh I think so too." Jack says patting my head breaking the hug. "To bad they're gone for another 3 days."

     "Three days with be by in no time. I can't wait to meet this Toby guy." Chris says smiling. "YEAH!" I say jumping up and down. "(Y/n) I really don't know if it was the best idea showing you that coffee machine." "Wait. Did you say coffee?!" I smile wider "Yea! They have like an infinite variety. It's awesome!" "GIVE ME THE GOODNESS!" "YEAAAASSSSS!" We both run into the kitchen with Jack following behind us to make sure we don't drink to much and go on a rampage.

It feels good to have most the people I love all in one spot. I hope this can last forever.

In love with a kidney eater {Eyeless Jack x Reader} &lt;&lt;FINISHED&gt;&gt;Where stories live. Discover now