Christina and other pastas

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-(y/n)'s POV-

Jack and I have been walking in the woods for a while now. I move closer to him remembering what evil creature lies here. "(Y/n) is ok. Rake is probably still wounded. Toby Masky and Hoodie did enough damage to him. It's ok." He tightens his hold on my hand. "I know. I just can shake the feeling off." Jack sighs "if anything attacks you I'm sure I can take it on don't worry." He puts his other hand in his hoodie pocket and pulls out a scalpel making me smile sweetly. "We should be coming out of the forest soon so when we do. Don't tell anyone. ANYONE! About where you have been and who you were with ok. It's for the safety of all the pastas." I nod rubbing my thumb on Jacks hand making him look down at me.

I giggle at his reaction with a tiny bit of pink on my cheeks. He sighs before chuckling softly.

We reach the end of the woods and Jack stops letting go of my hand. "Jack? What's wrong." He moves his mask a little to show his skin and sharp teeth. "Oh. I guess you would stand out either way." He nods "I'll wait here. Come back before nightfall. It will be easier to see then." I sigh and nod walking off into the town I once lived at.

I stop in front of my house and start shaking. I look down at my scars before looking back up and run around the block. I see my best friend outside with her new baby sister. "CHRISTINA!" I yell causing her to look up and gasp. She runs into my arms and we hug each other tightly. Shedding a few tears. "IH MY GOSH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN (y/n)!" 'Oh god think of a place.' "Um since my dad died I was sent off to live with my uncle. We came back to town to get a couple things of mine before we move away. Sadly." She pulls away staring at me with her dark brown eyes. "Your moving..." I feel my heart break even more. Her face looks so sad. "I'm sorry Chris. If I had a choice I would want to stay. I only have a few more hours left." She nods pulling me into another hug. I feel my shoulder get wet. I rub her back to calm her down. "I'm sorry Chris." He sniffles and looks at me smiling softly. "It's ok (y/n) I know you wouldn't want to leave. So let's make the most of it. Okay?" I nod "OH! Come meet my baby sister!" She grabs my hand and drags me over to the baby. "Rosie. This is (y/n), (y/n) Rosie. This is sissy's bestie." I smile. "Hi little Rosie. You are to cute!"

Christina and I spend about 2 hours talking before I have to leave. "Chris I gotta go. It's getting late. I'm sure my uncle is waiting for me." She cries and hugs me tightly before she opens my hand and puts something on it. I look down to see a cell phone. My old phone from my house. "I fixed it. I have my number in there already so we can chat whenever." I look at her smiling before hugging her again. "Everyday then." I put the phone in my (f/c) hoodie and slowly walk away waving.

Right when I turn the corner I start crying. That's most likely the last time I will see her. I run over to the end of the road and spot Jack sitting on a tree stump tossing his scalpel in the air catching it. "Hey Jack. I'm ready now." He looks up at me and stands up holding out his hand. "Then lets go home." I nod grabbing his hand as he intertwines our fingers once again. "So how'd it go?" He turns to the woods and starts walking. "It went well I guess. I got to meet her baby sister for the first time." I say as I walk after him wiping the remaining tears off my cheeks.

<time skip because the amazing bananaz!>

We walk up the stairs to the mansion opening the door enough for us to get through before closing it behind us. Jack lets go of my hand and walks into the living room. "BIG SIS!" I get jump on by a little girl. "Hey Sally!" I hug her tightly and she hugs me back. Then another pair of arms rap around with a little twitch. "Hey Toby." I hear his neck crack "h-hey (y/n) how was *tic* your trip." I smile "it was good. I'm glad a got to see my friend again." He nods letting me go grabbing my hand and Sally's before walking into the kitchen.

There we find Masky and Hoodie making something with a girl with black hair that reaches down to her hips. Her body figure was small and she had on a black dress that barely reach past her knees. "Jane! Th-this is (y-y/n) the gi-girl I w-was talking about." The girls turns around and her face brightens. She runs over and softly touches my hair. "Omg! You're so pretty! Your hair is so soft!" I look at her confused "oh I'm Jane the killer. Or just Jane for short. It's nice to meet you (y/n)! I think we will be great friends." I nod "hey (y/n) your back. Hope everything went well." I turned my head and saw hoodie walking towards me. "Yea. I had fun. Has everyone come back?" Hoodie nods. "I think they are all in the living room playing video games with BEN and LJ." I nod "well that explains why Jack walked over there. I'll see you guys later. It was nice meeting you Jane!" I walk off with Toby following.

Walking towards the living room we hear screaming "EJ HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SO GOOD!" Then laughing "it's because you suck Jason!" Then growling "shut it Cry!" We walk in and all eyes land on me. "Guys who is this mortal?" Jack stands up and walks to me putting his arm around my waist. "Guys this is (y/n) and (y/n) this is Cry, Jason, and The puppeteer." I blush as I feel Jacks grip slightly tighten on my waist pulling my body on his

"Oh I see how this is! EJ you never told me you have a girlfriend!" The so called Jason says. "I-I umm..." I hide my red face with my hands. "She isn't my girlfriend." Jack says with a sigh. "Ohh So she is free game!" The puppeteer says smirking. I hear Jack growl as The 3 guys walk up to me. "Hey baby you wanna come into my room. I'm sure I can make it a great night." Cry says reaching out to touch me. Jack pulls me even closer to him. If that's possible. "Just because she isn't mine yet doesn't mean you can touch her." All eyes go on Jack as my body tenses. I move my hands and look at Jack. My (e/c) eyes just staring at his mask. "Ohh So not yet I see. So you love this girl?!" Cry says smirking devilishly "fuck it." Is all I hear from Jack as I feel his arm loosen a little. He lifts his mask up to show his mouth as he leans down pressing his lips on mine. My eyes widen in surprise but I find myself kissing him back.

This is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.

In love with a kidney eater {Eyeless Jack x Reader} &lt;&lt;FINISHED&gt;&gt;Where stories live. Discover now