Screaming and crying

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-(y/n)'s POV-

     I woke up in Jacks arms. Then the painful feeling in my arms. I look down and see dried up blood. Then all the memories come back to me. "...Christina...." I start crying again waking up Jack. "(Y/n).." I bury my face in his chest and scream. I feel his hand rub my head then lips on my forehead. "I'm here. Just let it all out." He said softly. Then I did exactly what he wanted me to. I sobbed, slightly clawing Jacks stomach.

     "Do you want to stay in here today?" I nod "Do you want anyone in here. Toby? Sally? Hoodie or Masky?" I shake my head violently. "A-all I want is. Christina. I WANT HER BACK JACK. IT HURTS. WHY HER! ...Chris..." I shake uncontrollably. "It's my fault. I should of stayed. I miss my old life. My family. Jack I want to go home." I scream once again as I feel my back being rubbed. "I'm sorry (y/n). I should of been there to stop that guy. Maybe then you could still be happy."


-Maskys POV-

     I can hear (y/n) screaming. I can't even imagine how much it hurts to lose your best friend. Though I would probably be the same if Hoodie ever died. "Child I need you and Mochi in my office immediately." I sigh after hearing that message. "Momo. You need to get up. Slender wants us." She mumbles making me smile. "5 more minutes!" "Nope lets go before I kiss ya." She jumps out of bed. "W-w-what! N-no!" Then she runs out the room. I laugh shaking my head. I get out of bed a follow her to Slenders office.

     "Children. I'm sure you both know about (y/n) and her deceased friend." I nod and look at Mochi. She is looking down. Her blue hair cover her yellow eyes. "I need you to bring her to me. I'm afraid that she is going to become a pasta that will most likely kill all the others. We need her to calm down." We nod again and quickly exit Slenders office.

     "How are we going to get in. I'm sure (y/n) isn't gonna wanna come out. I don't even think Jack will let anyone in." Mochi says causing me to sigh. "We just need to tell Jack. I'm sure he will understand. We NEED to get (y/n) out of this state." She nods and knocks on the door. "GO AWAY!" A male voice says. "Jack we NEED (y/n) to come to Slenders immediately. It's very important." We hear sighs and a few sniffles. Then the door opens showing EJ. "What's wrong." "She might go inane and kill everyone here. We have to get her to slender now." Mochi says. We hear a sigh again as jack turns around picking up (y/n) bridal style. "Ok let's go." "I don't wanna! Jack put me down!" (Y/n) starts screaming and kicking. "Babe please don't make me drug you again. If slender says it's important we have to go." She crys again. "This way" I say walking towards Slenders office.

     As we walk in EJ sets (y/n) down on a seat. "Thank you Children now Jack I need you to stay. Masky and Mochi. Please leave." We nod and walk out. "What is he gonna do to her?" "Slender can go inside people's memories and make them forget things. So I'm guessing he is gonna make her forget about Christina." Mochi starts crying again. "I hate myself for killing her friend." I hug her "it's ok I know you wouldn't if you knew who it was."

-Slenders POV-

     I asked Masky and Mochi to leave because I know (y/n) doesn't like people seeing her cry. "Child. How much pain are you in." She starts sobbing again. Jack quickly hugs her calming her down. "It hurts slendy. I hate that I l-let that happen *chokes* to her." I nod. "Child would you wish to see her again." She nods "but h-how." "I can turn her into a creepypasta but only if she kills her family." (Y/n) shakes her head "she wouldn't. She loves her family to much." I sigh. "But she can be immortal then. She might not even remember her old family after awhile. I need to know your answer now." (Y/n) nods. "Please do it."

-Jacks POV-

     She agreed. Christina might not be happy with her afterwards but she is desperate. "Sir is that all you want. If so I would like to get some food in (y/n)" slender nods "yes Children you may go." I grab (y/n) (s/c) hand rapping my fingers with hers and walking out the door to see Masky and Mochi hugging. This made (y/n) yell 'awwwww' making me chuckle as the two quickly break apart. Mochi is blushing intensely and Masky is just rubbing the back of his neck. "U-um we um werent hugging." Mochi says hiding her face with her long blue hair.

     "Mmhmm sure. Love birds" I chuckled "please don't tell anyone.." Masky says "aw! But you guys would look so cute together!" (Y/n) says jumping up and down. It feels good seeing her like this again. "We won't." I say chuckling. "T-thank you!" Mochi says playing with her braid. Making (y/n) put on a pouty face. "You guys would make a cute couple though!" They both turn and walk away.

     "Look sweet cheeks! You made them blush!" I laugh making her look at me and smile. "I missed that smile" she blushes making me put my hand on her cheek "I love you (y/n)." She giggles "I love you too jack."

In love with a kidney eater {Eyeless Jack x Reader} <<FINISHED>>Where stories live. Discover now