Chapter Forty-Five: Forewarned Is Forearmed

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George Fawkes

How ironic is this, I thought bitterly to myself, that I, Fawkes, leader of the civilized side of the island, would be going to warn Peter, the rival leader of the other side of the island, of an assassination plot by a group of fiveteen-year-olds. I shook my head. What kind of place is this? What kind of people are we?!

I tried to quiet the frightening thoughts in my head and focus on outrunning Wilson and Daniel's gang. The other side never seemed so far, and as the clouds began to rumble menacingly and rain poured from the sky I cried out, "Really? Now it's gonna rain?" I kept on, not allowing any more thoughts to slow me down more than what I already had to in order for Alan to keep up. Time to figure out everything later... hopefully.

Finally I saw the gap in the trees leading to the Cliffside where two small houses appeared. Knowing everyone must've been indoors sheltering from the rain, I began to call out Peter's name loudly. Reaching the larger house where I remembered Peter stayed, I all but pounded on the door. "Peter, Peter! Open up! Hurry!"

At this point I heard someone's confused voice saying my name. I turned to see Wilson's sister open the door of the other house. "I need to talk to Peter!" I exclaimed to her.

"What about?" the door next to me suddenly opened to reveal an alarmed and alert Alex.

"Wilson and Daniel, they're coming! With Rose and the girls!" I expressed my fear and genuineness as best I could, but it only seemed to make Alex more suspicious.

"And you both are already here," he pointed out.

"To warn you! They're planning to kill Peter! They have guns and knives-"

"Guns and knives? That sounds bad," a boy who I recalled as Ronny said.

"No duh," Wilson's sister retorted.

"Fawkes?" I turned to see Peter's face emerge from behind Alex. "What are you saying? Are they really coming here to kill me? In this rain?"

I hesitated, wondering if the rain would distract them. Remembering Daniel's face, I nodded. "Yes! They've gone psycho! I think Daniel went sick in the head after your buddy here stabbed him, and Wilson is absolutely furious at you! And Rose, well she seems to hold a lot against you too!"

Peter's face paled and he turned to Alex. "You believe him?" Alex asked, fear forming in his eyes.

Peter looked at me. "Yes... I guess we better think of something to do to protect ourselves."

"Ourselves?" The tall blond guy remarked as he made his way from where Ronny and Wilson's sister stood, coming to stand beside me in the rain. "It's only you they're after!"

"And you expect us to just hand him over?" Alex retorted.

"Why not? Maybe there will finally be peace between us!" The embittered boy exclaimed. He turned to look at everyone, all the others ignoring the storm to hear the commotion. "You guys know that everything bad that's happened has been because of Pete! If Wilson and them want him, I say good riddance! Too late to save Menelik and Mahal, but at least the rest of us won't have to pay for his mistakes."
I looked at the tall guy, shock and doubt forming in my mind as I wondered if I had done the right thing.

"How could you say that?" Alex exclaimed.

"He is mostly right," Wilson's sister added. "We could maybe convince them to not kill Pete, but, well, maybe a pounding will satisfy them."

Before Alex could recover to respond, Ronny said, "I don't want Pete to get hurt, but it would be nice for everyone to get along. Maybe we could just banish him to the other, other side." 

Alex looked at the trio in disbelief before looking to the large guy and saying nervously, "Enkidu?"

The man-boy never looked more like a boy than at that moment, gazing down at the ground. Then he looked up and said, "You better run Peter."

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