Chapter Twenty: Many a True Word is Spoken in Jest

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Alexander Roman

I gathered up everything I thought I would need: an extra pair of clothes, some fruit, a glass for water, and a couple clams (which I had begun to like since arriving on the island). My only problem was that I had nothing to carry my stuff in...except for a shirt. It was my only option, and I decided I could continue wearing the same shirt for over a week (if necessary of course) so I ended up putting the items (except for the clams) into the shirt, than tied up each of the shirt's openings. The clams I put into my pant pockets.

Another problem arose when I realized I was not sure what to do about Rose. The traitor was still in her room, as she had been forced to. I wasn't about to take her with me, but I wasn't sure if I could leave her alone with Ludwig and the others. I shrugged the thought out. The others hated her as much as I did, even though I thought it was more or less just all the anger and frustration that the last couple weeks had built up. And now they have a scapegoat to take out that anger and frustration on.

"Where you going?" Rose asked, having heard me from her room.

"None of your business, just stay in here and feel terrible like the traitor you are," I said. Rose crossed her arms, obviously annoyed. Not that I cared. I was going to search for Peter regardless of what Rose wanted.

I left the girl and went back outside, when suddenly I began to realize (more at that point then before) that I didn't know where to start searching, where to go. Suddenly the others' reason for staying didn't seem so stupid; it was rather stupid to march into a forest not knowing where to go or what you'll face. I saw Ronny come out of the bathroom and headed over to him.

"Hey Ronny, need to ask you something."

"If you're wanting to know if it's safe to use the bathroom, than I say you should wait a few hours."

"Oh no, I just wanted to's just...we need to start searching for Peter..."

"And where do you expect us to search? We have no idea how big this island is...what if it's as big as, like, Australia?"

"If it was that big it'd be a continent."

"Whatever, we still have no idea where he is. And that letter said we can't go to the other side of the island..." he laughed, "Wouldn't it be ironic if Pete was on the other side? Cuz it's like, we were told not to go there, but those bullies might have taken him there." If we had been cartoon characters, than at that moment a light bulb would have miraculously appeared above my head.

"Ronny, you're right," I said.

"You're the first person to admit that," Ronny said.

"I betcha that's where Peter is: on the other side of the island!" I was excited at the revelation.

"And people tell me I know nothing..."

"Yes, I need to tell the others...they'll follow me now for sure!"

"I think I'm gonna go jump off a cliff."

"Yes Ronny! I'm gonna go tell the others, you get ready." I ran back toward the beach.
The others were sitting depressed around the volleyball court. I was pretty sure they had the kind of feeling you get when you know you're supposed to be somewhere doing something important, yet due to selfishness you're someplace else.

"Guys, will you come with me if I know where to go?" I asked as I approached the sandy court.

"Yes," Ludwig said for the group.

"Good, cuz I'm gonna need everyone's help when I go to the other side of the island..." I watched for their reaction.

"Okay—wait what?!" Ludwig said. "Are you serious dude? Serious?!"

"Are you for cereal?" Menelik asked with a laugh, though his shock and excitement showed through.

"Yes," I said, happy to see everyone's eagerness, "We're going to the other side of the island to search for Peter and I'm gonna need all of you to come."

"No problemo," Menelik said.

"Yeah, this is—wow—exciting!" Izzy said. "But wait, what about Rose? Who's going to watch her?" For a few moments everyone's spirits were dampened, as none of us wanted to stay with her, yet no one wanted her to come either (I certainly didn't want her to).

"I volunteer...Izzy," Menelik said. Immediately all us boys smiled, while Izzy frowned.

"Yeah, Izzy should stay!" Ludwig said. "She's a girl like Rose."

"They can keep each other company," Menelik said.

"No no no no no no!" Izzy said. "I'm not staying with that vixen!"

"Who all volunteers Izzy?" Menelik asked. Four hands shot up, with Izzy's
being the only exception.

"Okay, then I guess it's settled," I said. "Sorry Izzy." She sighed, annoyed but compliant.

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