Chapter Five: A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

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Rose Davis

"Ugh, I'm tired of eating stupid coconuts and mangoes!" I said annoyed. I even threw one of the stupid fruits at the wall. It didn't explode like I hoped it would, but it got my point across I'm sure.

"Well sorry," Izzy said. Oh I hated that girl! She thought she was so smart and knew everything. "But that's all we get. Just that, some more fruit, and seafood."

"Ugh!" I shook my head and looked at Pete, who squirmed deeper into the couch and looked away from me. He looked ashamed, like he should. "You're the leader, get some more food!" He was always telling us what to do because he's "the leader", so why can't he go find some food? I was sure it wouldn't be that hard.

"How do you expect me to do that Rose?" Pete said loudly in a rare moment of annoyance. "It's not like I can just go to the kitchen and voila! there's food!" I stomped my foot and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, well, whatever," I said, "I'm leaving this stupid house and this stupid city. It's not even a real city!" I headed for the door and was about to open it when Pete got in the way, as I knew he would.

"Where would you go?" He asked.

"As though you care," I said back. Why did I hook up with him in the first place? Oh yeah, cuz he was cool and popular and always surrounded by the coolest, hottest boys. Back at school anyway.

Than why am I still with him?

"I do care," Peter said, which may have been true. I think he actually liked me, but then what boy wouldn't?

"I'm going..." I tried to think of something that would tick him off, " the other side of the island." I said it confidently, and got just the reaction I expected.

​"WHAT?! Are you crazy-?"

​"Yes," I looked at the door and saw Ronny (one word: EWWW) standing there. "What's all the ruckus about?" Oh yeah, and he used dumb words no one ever uses. But wait, I suddenly thought to myself, he can help me out with this. No one really likes him, and I'm sure he knows that. But maybe if I can show him a little care, he will do me a favor...

​"Ronny!" I smiled my best smile at him, flashing my perfect white teeth and opening my eyes wide so that he can see how bright green they were. I wished I had some better clothes (The People obviously didn't take into consideration that they would be housing girls who actually had good tastes), but I had to make do with what I had.

​"Can you help me with something?" I asked, trying to sound needy and girly, and pouting a little with my lower lip. Most boys usually liked that.

​"Uh, okay?" Ronny said. He didn't sound totally convinced, so I just smiled and clamped my hands together.

​"I just need you to help take me somewhere," I said.

​"Where?" Ronny asked. He looked interested, more in the request than myself. Oh well, would've been annoying to have to flirt with him any longer than is necessary.

​"Don't do it Ronny," Pete said. I glared at him, but quickly returned to a smile and warm eyes as I looked back at Ronny.

​"To the other side of the island of course," I said. I could see that Ronny was excited.

​"Sure!" Ronny said.

​"Ronny no!" Pete said again.


​"Don't you remember what the letter said?"

​"Duh, of course I do!" Ronny said. "But it's been, like, five days, maybe we should just go over there...just to see what's there."

​"No," Pete said stupidly, "We have to all stay here, that's what the letter said to do."

​"For all we know it's a scam," Ronny said.

​"Yeah," I said, siding with Ronny against Pete, "Why can't you just let us go? You're not really the boss of us."

​"Yes I am," Pete said, "You all voted for me to be the leader, and I'm just doing my job. You guys have to stay here." Jerk.

​"Or what?" I asked.

​"Or...or..." So, Pete didn't have a punishment. Of course, he was always too pathetic.

​"Yeah, what a leader you are Pete," I said as I left out the door, Ronny right behind me.

​I'll admit, I was expecting Pete to come after me, but he didn't. Of course, he was "too important" being the "leader" to concern himself with me. Instead, he sent what's-his-name one and what's-his-name two. He will regret this, I swore to myself, he will regret this.

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