Chapter Thirty-Seventh: It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings

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Ronald Monroe

Let me just be the first to say, a fight between Pete and Wilson was inevitable. I think everyone knew that. But still, I was totally caught off guard when Wilson lunged at Pete, and over the fateful fight that followed. Amy screamed, "No!" while I stood in shock. I'll be honest and say I had absolutely no idea what to do. And I don't think anyone in my position would've known either. Anyone who does must be a whiz or something.

Wilson delivered the first hit, followed by several more. Pete (for the most part) just tried to protect himself. He must hate fighting like me. And Wilson... man what a fighter he was! I mean seriously, he was beating Pete to a pulp. Well, figuratively anyway. Pete actually managed to get in several pretty good punches and kicks, but it was obvious who the better fighter was.

"Stop! Stop them!" Alex shouted, rushing toward them, but Menelik and Ludwig held him back, each keeping their eyes on the fray. Alex looked like he was about to panic his blue eyes were so huge. Izzy, too, appeared out of thin air and tried to stop the fight. But she was stopped and held back by Enkidu. No one was going to intervene. This was Wilson and Pete's fight. And the prize was Amy.

As for the prize herself, she didn't seem to know what to do. I wouldn't either if I were her. Help your best friend, or help your lover? Tricky question.

Finally Amy couldn't seem to stand it anymore and tried to get between Wilson and Pete.

"Stop, please stop!" She said, her eyes watery. I wanted to pull her away, but that meant getting next to a punching, kicking battle. And I didn't want to do that.

"Amy!" I said instead, calling her to me. She ignored me though. Pete suddenly managed to get to his feet and Wilson started jabbing at his chest, trying to knock him down. Amy got behind Wilson and tried to pull him away.

"Stop Wilson! Please stop!" She said again. She actually appeared to be pulling Wilson away when he suddenly swirled around and punched her. Wilson had punched Amy! I couldn't believe it, I seriously couldn't.

Amy fell down immediately, one of her hands on her cheekbone. There was collective gasp (fancy wording) from everyone. None of us had seen that coming. I watched as Izzy ran over and knelt down beside Amy, and got her away from the fighting zone. I looked back over at Pete (who had blood dripping from his nose and mouth, as well as from a cut beneath his right eye from one of Wilson's jabs), and saw that he was also shocked by what Wilson had done. He frowned and I saw a darkness in his eyes that I had never seen before. He stood tall, and it was the perfect Kodiak moment. The sun was behind him, his shoulders were pushed back, his chest forward, his feet in a V-shape, and there was a single drop of blood running down his face from the cut. There was a determined look on his bloody, cut-up face that I've only seen in movies. A completely different Peter.

Wilson must've noticed the change too, for he gave Pete a curious look. Pete took advantage of the moment to lunge and knock down Wilson. He sandwiched Wilson's arms to his sides with his legs, and the punches and hits flew. I don't think anyone knew he could fight like that. Certainly not Wilson!

Eventually Wilson got one of his arms free, and he grabbed Pete's thick hair, pulling him down. Pete yelped and Wilson got free. He jumped to his feet and gave Pete one good kick to the side. Pete clutched his hurt side as he stumbled to his feet. Wilson came up to him and delivered the perfect jab. Before Pete could see it coming, Wilson gave him a left straight punch. Pete stumbled backward. Wilson raced toward him and knocked him back down.

I think it was around that point that I noticed how close to the cliff they were. Everyone else seemed to notice too and were getting edgy. We were letting the two fight out their differences, but we didn't want the battle to end in death. Alex, pulling free from Menelik and Ludwig's grasp, hurried to Wilson and Pete and tried to force them away from the cliff. Instead, he got hit by some stray punch and stumbled backward...right toward the cliff.

"Alex!" I heard Amy shout. Fortunately, Ludwig pulled Alex away from certain death. Enkidu, meanwhile, approached Wilson and Pete. It was his turn to try to break up the fight.

"Stop!" Enkidu shouted, getting between the two boys. His voice was like thunder. The punches stopped and the fight seemed to be over. Pete walked away, toward where Menelik was standing. He was walking weird though, like he was drunk or something.

Probably dazed, I thought to myself.

"Er!" I heard Wilson growl and race toward Pete, who didn't see him coming. I then watched as Menelik (who minutes earlier had been totally ticked at Pete) shove Peter out of the way, just as Wilson reached them. Menelik took the blow and staggered back.

Right off the cliff.

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