Chapter Twenty-Two: Quid Pro Quo

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Wilson Johnson

"Alex!" Pete exclaimed, a broad smile on his dorky face. Daniel shot a glance at me and Alan and the words behind it were obvious. An enemy was on our turf. Our turf.

"Get him!" Daniel shouted to me and Alan. I forget about ever being mad at him, and was ready to obey the command. My only problem was Amy, who grabbed my arm and was trying to hold me back. I tried to shrug her off, to undo her grasp, but she didn't budge. Geez, she's stronger than she looks.

"No, Wilson! Stop!" She begged. Huh, I figured, she's scared of that stranger. She wants me with her, just as she always has whenever she gets scared. I felt something glow within me, and I wrapped my arms around her in a protective clutch. This will show her that I'm better for her than that wimp.

Alan charged at Alex, but he stopped suddenly before he could reach him. Alex, for his part, took up the challenge and started for Alan. But he wasn't alone, much to my (and I'm sure Daniel's) horror. Behind him, initially hidden by the darkness but now visible as they followed their leader into the building, were three other boys. Three tall, strong boys. Alan, knowing he was no match for a gang of four, held up his hands in surrender.

"No!" Daniel told Alan threateningly. There was still a chance of us winning against them. They numbered four, yes, and with Pete, five, and my team only numbered four, but we had the element of being on home turf. Wasn't that how the colonies defeated the British?

Although he had surrendered, Alan was still tackled down by the tall blond-headed boy. Alan fell down, but the blond boy managed to stand upright. I couldn't see what was wrong, but as the blond boy looked down at Alan, an uneasy look filled his face and he backed away.

"Hey," Alex greeted, as though we were his friends and not the kidnappers of his friend.

"What you want?" Daniel demanded, though we all knew the answer.

"My friend," Alex nodded at Peter.

"Sure," Daniel said simply. What?! He can't seriously be giving away that dirt bag that easily!

"Really?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, of course!" Daniel exclaimed. "I'm sorry about the whole mess... last time we met. But, well, we thought you guys were the bad guys..." Alex nodded, though I doubt he bought Daniel's explanation.

"Don't believe him Alex!" Peter shouted. "He tortured me and was going to kill me!"

What a whine baby. Before Daniel could say anything, Fawkes showed up. He opened his mouth to speak, but then saw Alex and the three boys. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"I take it you're here for him," Fawkes said to Alex. Alex nodded.

"Fine then, you can have him. But I'd like something in return," Fawkes said.

"Why should we give you anything?" The thinner of the two tall boys sneered.

"Yeah Fawkes," Daniel agreed, "They don't have to give us anything. We can just call a truce. We shouldn't be fighting anyway, since we are all part of the same predicament." Everyone nodded, except Fawkes and Peter. It was true after all.

"You're right," Alex agreed, "We can share supplies and figure out who the real bad guys are." Daniel nodded and the two boys (who just several days ago had attacked each other with such hostility, who still bear the scars of their previous meeting) shook hands in mutual agreement. It was odd seeing them together. The golden sweetheart and the dark rogue.

"Why don't you stay here with us? Just for the night? It's late after all, I'd hate for you guys to walk all the way back in the dark," Daniel said. I was still trying to figure out what the catch was.

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