Chapter 2 Section 2: Gladiatrix

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In the year 2000, Natasha has been living with in LuthorCorp for over a week, and have learned the ins and outs of her powers that the serum as given her. Ready to go home, Natasha walks out of her room and heads up to Tess' office where Tess is sitting at her desk working on updating the files of the test subjects. Tess looks up as Natasha walks towards her desk.

"Ms. Irons, this is a surprise. We aren't schedule for therapy today. What can I do for you?" Tess asks as she closes the file infront of her as if she is hiding something.

"I was wondering when I will be able to go home. You said the test were only going to be a few days and it has already been a week." Natasha asks with her hands folded over one another.

Tess leans on her desk with her hands placed together as they sit on the desk. She looks Natasha straight in the eyes and speaks up, "Ms. Irons, we are not fully understanding everything with your abilities just yet, and we want to make sure that everything is on a straight path for you, and you have no problems when you leave us. There will be one last test this afternoon, and once it is over then we will see about sending you home."

"Great. When will we begin this final test?" Natasha asks.

Tess reaches over to her phone, and and makes a call, "Set up the final test. We will begin in an hour."

She hangs up and looks back over at Natasha, "In an hour. We will test how you control your abilities while facing other metas like yourself. The Battle Field Test."

Tess gets up from her desk and walks around it to Natasha. Placing her hand on Natasha's low back she escorts her out of the office to the elevator. Tess presses the number 8 button and stands outside the elevator as the doors close with Natasha inside.

"Best of luck." Tess says standing there looking at Natasha as the elevator doors shut.

The elevator heads down to the 8th lower level. As the doors open, four well armored soldier stand there with black visor helmets. They escort Natasha down a cave like hall which lead underground to a gladiatorial arena. Entering the slavery chamber area, the soldiers places Natasha into a carbine glass cell where a table with a folded black and silver outfit sits nice and neat.

"Get dressed." Says one of the soldiers as they leave the area.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Natasha asks as the soldiers walk away down the dark clay dirt walls.

Natasha turns and looks at the neatly folded outfit on the table and walks over to it. She picks up the jumpsuit and puts it on. She slips on the leather black boots,slips on her long white gloves and tie her hair back into a ponytail. She then backs up and leans against the clay wall behind her a waits for her escort.

Ten minutes have pasted and the visor helmet soldiers return and open up the carbine cell. They grab Natasha by the arms and escort her down the hall to a huge gate. The gate slowly opens as sunlight hits the huge oval sand arena. The soldiers push her forward pass the gate and the gate closes behind her. Slowly Natasha steps out from under the slanted canvas that is over the gate and out into the sunlight of the arena. Looking out, she sees that the arena is full of the rich who have paid to see a great fight. Over on a high platform Tess stands next to a few scientist who look down at the arena where eight new metahumans walk to the center of the arena, including Natasha. They turn as horns sound for silence as Tess steps up to a microphone. The metas turn and looks up at Tess who is about to speak.

"Good evening. And welcome to The LuthorCorp Test Arena! Today we have a special event involving our newest metahuman arrivals, created by LuthorCorp's very own meta serum. We will see who got what it takes as they battle one another to the death. The one who is last standing will be given their freedom once they have taken out their competition. Today we have eight contests." Tess begins to address the audience.

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