Chapter 1 Section 8: Life on Paradise Island

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Life on Paradise Island


The British anthropologist and heiress, Dr. Barbara Minerva was raised in a world of privilege. Developing a passion for archaeology, Minerva followed in her father's footsteps, collecting historical treasures and always had a desire in completing any goal she puts in front of her. On an expedition in Africa, Barbara discovered the hidden temple of the plant god Urzkartaga and a tribe that worship its gaurdian, a cat-goddess said to take the form of a human cheetah. Seeing the true power of the goddess, Minerva grew envy, and desired to take the power as she tricked her partner Tom Leavens , killing him as a sacrifice to Urzkartaga. creating a potion with Leavens' blood and berries, Minerva drinks it, becoming the next Cheetah. Because she was not a virgin, that the spell required, Minerva found her transformation into the Cheetah as a blessing. In her cat form, she was gripped with an addictive blood-lust as she hunted and killed sacrifices to sustain her powers. A her human form, Minerva grew intelligence, but became increasingly sick and weak. Nonetheless, Barbara's obsession in antiquities endured, but no so more for the mystical kind as she explored to find the most powerful ancient artifacts she could find which soon leads her sail to the lost island of Themyscita, which is also known as Paradise Island. With her new found regenerative powers, Minerva is able to channel into forming into the cheetah and being her human self. Once entering Paradise Island, Minerva finds herself into the Amazon's town where she is greeted by the Amazon Artemis. 

"Halt. You are you?" Artemis asks.

Minerva walks up in her red dress and addresses Artemis, "My name is Barbara Minerva. I am seeking a place to stay, and have heard about this island, and was wondering if I could stay here for a while."

"The decision is not up to me, but I will take you to Queen Hipptolya. She will make that decision." Artemis says as she escorts Minerva to the Palace.

Entering the royal throne room, Hipptolya was sitting on her throne as her daughter Diana was sitting next to her.

"Who is this Artemis?" Diana asks.

"She claims that her name is Barbara Minerva, my highness." Artemis answers as she bows.

Minerva steps forward and bows down to one knee as Hipptolya walks up to her.

"Rise my child. Tell me why have you come here?" Hipptolya asks.

Minerva stands to her feet and smiles, "I have journeyed a long way to see if the rumors were true and see shelter with the Amazons. I have a unique set of skills that may be useful with in your army. I am the protector of the God Urzkartaga. I am known as the Cheetah, and I believe I can help keep the peace here."

"I have heard of this god. You must be very powerful. But why join us? Why help us out?" Diana asks.

"To be completely honest, I work well alone, but I have recently found out that I work really well with others when need to be, and who else would be better to work with then strong independent women like myself." Minerva expresses.

"Fair enough. I will train you myself. And we will see what you are capable of." Diana says to Minerva.

"That would be a great honor." Minerva says with a smile.

"Very well. The decision has been made. Artemis, please escort Barbara to her chambers." Hipptolya tells Artemis.

"Yes your majesty." Atremis says as she bows to her queen.

"I will come by and get you at sunrise. Be ready to train." Diana tells Minerva.

"I can't wait." Minerva says as she turns and follows Artemis out of the throne room.

Sunset has come to the present, and Minerva is dressed up just like the Amazons, all in white. A knock comes at her chamber's door as Minerva is looking at herself in the mirror. Minerva turns and walks over to the door and opens it, seeing Princess Diana in her Wonder Woman outfit.

"Are you ready?" Diana asks.

"Sure am. Let's do this." Minerva says with a smile.

Diana escorts Minerva out to the training field where Minerva witnesses several other Amazons training together with full brutal force.

"In our training, we train full on, as if we are battling against our worst enemies. This makes us stronger and more aware of our surroundings. Now I want you to do the same and give me everything you got with in yourself. Bring out the Cheetah with in you, and show me what kind of force you have." Diana says as she stands in a battle stance.

Minerva takes a few steps backwards and looks down to the ground as she concentrates. While concentrating her body morphs into the humanoid cheetah that she is well known for. Covered in yellow spotted fur, sharp teeth, yellow eyes and long red hair, Minerva looks up with a fierce wild look to her. With a roar she leaps into the air and slashes at Diana with her sharp claws, as Diana backs up, dodges, and blocks Minerva's attacks. The two battle one another for over two hours. None stop, and with full force. The Amazons training are fixed on the fight as they watch them battle. Finally, Minerva gets sly with Diana and slips under her legs, and grabs the Lasso of Truth from her belt. Minerva lassos Diana with the lasso and pulls tightly as she flings Diana into the air and throwing her into a tree. Diana crashes and slides down to her bottom onto the green grass. Minerva lets the lasso loosen up and Diana stands to her feet and smiles. Minerva backs up and concentrates as she morphs back into her human form.

"You have some guts Minerva. I like that. You're pretty skilled. Beating me is hard to do." Diana confesses to Minerva.

With great happiness, both Minerva and Diana become close as the two head off from the training field and heads back to have girl time at the palace. 

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