Chapter 1 Sections 5-7 Sinful Thoughts / Fugitives /Ace Reporter Silverman

Start from the beginning

"I guess so. Even though you seem to be suited up all the time." Roy says with a small chuckle.



On a the night of the final show, BJ is in his trailer where he is getting ready, as Rowan is eating a little something before the performance starts.

"So are you ready for your final performance in the city?" BJ asks while looking in the mirror, brushing his hair.

'Sure am. Going to be one of my best performances of all." Rowan says sitting at the kitchen table eating mac and cheese.

Bj steps away from the mirror picks up his top hat, of a hat manikin and puts it on his head. "Well good. We are on in half an hour. Make sure you are ready to go."

BJ walks to the door of the trailer and opens it up and walks out, leaving Rowan to finish her meal. Stepping outside he looks over at Ramsey who is sitting on a lawn chair in front of her trailer. He smiles and tips his hat at her and continues to walk deeper into the carnival where hundreds over people of all ages are enjoying themselves playing games, eating carnival food, and enjoying themselves. BJ walks over to the ticket booth which sits right infront of the entrance to the Big Top. There inside the booth sits Amber Rose aka the Flame girl, who is dressed in a yellow, orange and red flame dress.

"Hello Amber, how's the sales going?" BJ asks.

"They're going well. 800 sold so far. And we still have a pretty long line." Amber tells BJ.

"That's great. How long you think we need to get everyone in?" BJ asks.

"45 minutes probably." Amber tells BJ.

"Perfect. I will let the family know that we will be going on in an hour." BJ says to Amber with a smile.

BJ walks away after tipping his hat to her and a few of the customers, and heads to the trailer area where the oddities are all getting ready in their trailers. There Rowan has just exited out of their trailer and skips down the dirt road towards BJ.

"Hey pops, where ya goin'?" Rowan asks.

"Just letting everyone know that we will be starting in an hour." BJ tells Rowan.

"Cool, cool. I'll see ya in the big top then." Rowan says smiling as she takes off skipping towards the big top in her sparkling lime green and silver leotard uniform.

An hour goes by and the place is packed full. Over 1,500 people are seating with in the big top, almost sitting shoulder to shoulder. The show goes on as BJ and the others perform their routines as they sing to the crowd with joy and excitement. Once the show ended, and BJ and the group bows, as the audience applaud and throws flowers out towards them, Daniel and his Area 53 agents barge in on all sides of the Big top with loaded weapons.

"Freeze!" announces Major Tom Curtis.

BJ and his family looks around at the agents as the audience begins to panic a little, as the agents escorts them all out of the tent. BJ and Daniel looks into each other eyes staring strongly as the agents surround the metas. BJ pulls out the compass from his jacket pocket and smiles at Daniel.

"Nice try brother. But you're too late." BJ says as he opens the lid of the compass.

The compass hand begins to spin really fast all on it's own as BJ thinks about his circus and family. Suddenly the whole circus and carnival, and everyone part of it disappears, vanishing right infront of Daniel and his agents.

"What the hell?" Major Curtis asks as he is surprised.

"Shit." Daniel says standing there

"Where did they go?" Curtis asks.

"I have no clue. They have the compass." Daniel says to Curtis.

"Compass?" Curtis asks.

"Yeah, my compass." Daniel says to Curtis.

"And what does a compass have to do with them disappearing out of nowhere?" Curtis asks.

"Alot. Trust me." Daniel says to Curtis as they head to their unmarked armored SUVs.

In Bludhaven, BJ and Rowan appears on the streets where they soon walk down the sidewalk heading to a sign that reads Haven Real Estate. There they walk to the door and sees that the place was closed. BJ soon sees a sign of times that they are opened and looks down at Rowan.

"We will come back in the am." BJ says as the two disappear out of thin air.


Ace Reporter Sullivan


It's the present, and Chloe Sullivan, former reporter at the Daily Planet, and former sidekick to Superboy has been living in Bludhaven for some time as she is working as an Investigative Ace News Reporter at The Bludhave Portrait for the Princess of All Media, Editor Ella Rhodes. Assigned a front page article to write about the hero known as Nightwing, Chloe heads out to talk to a witness at their home when she sees in the distance Nightwing up on the rooftops chasing a bald headed woman in black. Wanting an exclusive with Nightwing, Chloe hurries into a close-by alley where she changes real fast into her all white hooded pant suit . With a shot of her grappling arrow, she zip-lines upwards to the rooftops above her, and acrobats across the rooftops to catch up to Nightwing. She reaches to the last rooftop where she ran out of areas to leap to, and looks down where she sees Nightwing trapping the bald woman in a corner.

"It's over Onyx. Turn yourself in now." Nightwing orders Onyx as he holds his escrima sticks in each hand.

Onyx in the corner smiles a suspicious looking grin and turns away from Nightwing. She runs towards the brick wall and runs up it as she throws a throwing star with a cable tied to it. the star attached tot he rooftop above abling Onyx to climb the cable to the top. Nightwing surprised looks around seeing if there was a way to get to the rooftop in a jiffy. He sees a fire escape there in the alley and he leaps up to the fire-escape by pushing off of a trashcan. Using his acrobatic and parkour, Nightwing climbs to the top of the rooftop as Onyx is about to escape. Seeing Onyx getting away, Chloe in the distance pulls out an arrow from her white quiver and pulls back on her bow string. With a release of her fingers she fires the arrow at Onyx, making the arrow pierce into Onyx's right leg. Onyx stumbles and falls to the rooftop's ground, and Nightwing catches up to her. With Nightwing sitting on top on Onyx, he looks over at the white hooded figure holding the compound bow. He smiles, as Chloe leaps over to the same rooftop and walks up to Nightwing.

"Who are you?" Nightwing asks.

"Just a friendly."Chloe says as she holds her head down, hiding her face from Nightwing.

"Well thanks for the assist." Nightwing says as he stands Onyx up to her feet.

"It's a pleasure. Feels good getting back out. Haven't felt a rush like this in a long time." Chloe tells Nightwing as she turns and steps up onto the ledge of the rooftop.

"What you mean by that" Nightwing asks.

"Used to be in the hero business a while back. But had taken a long break from it." Chloe addresses to Nightwing.

"Well it doesn't have to end here. Why don't you join me and help keep the city safe?" Nightwing asks.

"I tell you what, I'll think on it." Chloe says to Nightwing standing there looking down at the ledge.

"Well how will I know how to get a hold of you?" Nightwing asks.

"If I'm interested, I will let you know. See you around Nightwing." Chloe says as she steps off the ledge of the rooftop.

Free falling from stepping off, Chloe fires a grappling arrow and swings on the cable as she lands on another rooftop across the street from where Nightwing is. She leaps across several rooftops before jumping down into an alley where she takes down her hood and takes off her costume. She leans against the alley wall against her back and smiles.

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